Original Poetry Forums

UPA open site invitation

10-13-2009 at 11:33:05 AM

UPA open site invitation

Okay so Our founding member has been a bit awol for a minute as hes been attending to some things but Ive gotten in contact with him and hes asked me to post a challenge, so here we are.

Write about how different your life would be today without the use of the modern commodities, running water, electricity, and automobiles.
This should give pretty free range of writing skill and style, You can take the poem anywhere that youd like to, so long as it meets these conditions.

So the challenge is set, you have exactly one week to complete it, @ that time we will review the entries and post the next challenge. Good luck to all, we hope to see great writings from you

10-15-2009 at 12:37:43 AM

Re: UPA open site invitation

This is too uncanny... I have just started working on a piece so far entitled 'good manners' - and it immediatly sprawled into two different topics. This will help me to narrow my focus, and I am forever grateful.
facebook: jean gow
email: jeanpnkldyg@aol.com

10-15-2009 at 02:23:15 PM

Re: UPA open site invitation

Awaken from your peaceful slumber
there are tree's to climb, valleys to see
Come down memory lane
share a pinic with me
Its a summers morning
Smell the freshly cut grass
you time is now
don't let it pass
watch the birds
swimming through the sky
Bouncing off clouds
Don't let today pass you by
This is the stuff in which
memories are made
As we age our youth
is replayed
We sit alone ageless as we hide
Come along and play outside

10-15-2009 at 04:09:44 PM

Re: UPA open site invitation

I love this idea,
I grew up on a small island in the Carribean where we had to bucket water out of the cistern. I still have the cistern,I remember how we use to wash the clothes in big tub. My how times have changed.

10-15-2009 at 09:41:25 PM

Re: UPA open site invitation

There is a love in all of us (I think) to have been born, way back when our ancesters ruled the unspoiled, virgin lands of the settlers and their friends, the Cherrokee and Chipawah...

Mom’s hands would turn red and rough
scrubbing Dad’s work clothes on that board.
She would laugh as I ran around the outhouse,
Chasing Brownie, our mangy, old mutt of a dog.
Night came too soon for me…I hated the smell
of those kerosene lamps that lit up the rooms
to show us where to find our plate
of corn and pone.
A new morning would start
with the crowing of the cock,
That told me a new day had come.
The pigs where awake and waiting
for their slop to be poured into the trough.
Chickens cackling, scratching at the ground.
Always I thought…what keeps them pecking
for something that couldn’t be found.
Tossing cracked corn ‘round their feet,
Then watching as they pecked even more.
Helping Dad with the harvest was work,
Hard work for a scrawny kid like me
But he would whistle as he threw the bales.
Tractor we never owned…just the old mare
to pull the wagon to the mill.
Nighttime again, and the smell of kerosene
lamps, covered nicely by the woodstove
Brightly burning, casting flickering shadows
Across the wooden floor…mopped so clean
By Mom -- my favorite person of all.

10-15-2009 at 09:47:45 PM

Re: UPA open site invitation

Originally Posted by kochab

Okay so Our founding member has been a bit awol for a minute as hes been attending to some things but Ive gotten in contact with him and hes asked me to post a challenge, so here we are.

Write about how different your life would be today without the use of the modern commodities, running water, electricity, and automobiles.
This should give pretty free range of writing skill and style, You can take the poem anywhere that youd like to, so long as it meets these conditions.

So the challenge is set, you have exactly one week to complete it, @ that time we will review the entries and post the next challenge. Good luck to all, we hope to see great writings from you

10-15-2009 at 09:53:09 PM

Re: UPA open site invitation

Mamma loves the man that made air conditioning
Mamma says she cannot survive
If this is the way it must be
She says she will not stay alive.

No matter the love in the world
without comfort, we will succomb
Doesn't matter who we are
Or where we are from.

America would die if challenged
No question about that
Just put me in the ground
And remember, I want my hat.

Last edited by Merlyn 10-15-2009 at 09:54:00 PM

10-22-2009 at 01:33:24 PM

Re: UPA open site invitation

Okay this invitational period has ended and the members from the UPA should be reviewing the works.
All of you should be contacted in the next 3-4 days letting you know what the status is on your application, thank you all for taking a stab @ it. smile

10-26-2009 at 11:51:44 AM

Re: UPA open site invitation

one for the contest
inkmaster wink

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.