You Took my HandYou Took My Hand.... |
Re: You Took my HandDebbie,,,Sometimes in life writing is the best that we can do,,,you have a gift and you are blessed with words, The poems you have written are very good seems as if you have been writing all your life,,,,I love your poems,,,Niteman. |
Re: You Took my HandThank you again!..and your right sometimes writing is all we have...i have been writing "throughout" my life but just not on an all the time basis(until it seems like this year)-like I said something or someone has to move me emotionally.. Maybe it can be looked at some good coming out of some bad or saddness in this case--again thank you for ur words of praise and encouragement!..Debbie |
Re: You Took my HandDebbie,,I love every word of this poem this is a poem that keeps me comeing back,,you are a winner ,,anyone that writes as good as you is for sure a winner ,,Thank you so,,Niteman. |
Re: You Took my HandI should be thanking you!-Thank u niteman |
Re: You Took my HandDebbie,,,,Your work is beautiful ,,,And everything you write I enjoy reading just keep up the great work,,,And know in your heart what you are writing is very good,,,Let me Thank you so much,,Niteman. |
Re: You Took my HandDeb,,,I want to Thank you so much for this poem,,I just read it again,,I feel in my life that I have been down a road like this,,and the more i read you work the more I love you work,,I would love to see this one published,,Thank you so much my friend a great writter you are,,,Niteman. |
Re: You Took my Handits good sometimes to read someone elses words and see something we have felt or been through -sometimes helps us see clearer our situation--thank u again for your kind support!..Debbie |
Re: You Took my HandA great write! I like the flow in your writing. And the 'feel' of the poem is superb. |
Re: You Took my HandThank u so much for ur kind words! |
Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.
Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.