Original Poetry Forums

You Took my Hand

09-30-2009 at 08:12:46 AM

You Took my Hand

You Took My Hand....

You took my hand
and led me on a journey
A journey the two of us went on
I was unsure
but you took my hand and made
it all feel safe and not wrong
You took my hand
gently but strong
showed me a road I had never walked on
A road filled with much I hadnt known
You took my hand and in doing so
breathed life back into my soul
Smiles and laughter,how good it felt
You took my hand and together we walked
as we did my world became full
of sunshine and warmth
I wondered where I was, where
was this place,but did not care
cause I was enjoying our journey
the walk we shared
You no longer took my
hand,because now I gave
it to you
without question or wonder
As i gave you my hand you
took my heart
You took my heart
you took my heart
always gently
holding it in your hands
knowing its fragility
always careful
I gave you my heart
I gave all I can
How can this be bad?
Why then am I feeling so sad?
Are we at a cross road?
Which road will we go down?
Where's our journey to go now?
Where is my warm sunshine?
You told me you'd always be there
My shoulder
My friend
has this all been a dream?
or all has been real?
Is that my hand at my side
once again
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Poem Comments:

on 09-23-2009
Oreo5560,,,,i love this,,,the words you have witten are so true , you have a gift so please never let go,,,,keep on writting im hopeing to read more of you work,,,thank you,,Niteman.
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reply from oreo5560

on 09-23-2009
Again Thank you so much for your kind words and thoughts on what i have written --u are helping me gain some confidence and inspiring me as well Thank you ..Debbie

09-30-2009 at 01:19:06 PM
  • niteman
  • niteman
  • Posts: 33

Re: You Took my Hand

Debbie,,,Sometimes in life writing is the best that we can do,,,you have a gift and you are blessed with words, The poems you have written are very good seems as if you have been writing all your life,,,,I love your poems,,,Niteman. grin

09-30-2009 at 01:39:48 PM

Re: You Took my Hand

Thank you again!..and your right sometimes writing is all we have...i have been writing "throughout" my life but just not on an all the time basis(until it seems like this year)-like I said something or someone has to move me emotionally.. Maybe it can be looked at some good coming out of some bad or saddness in this case--again thank you for ur words of praise and encouragement!..Debbie

10-19-2009 at 06:55:56 PM
  • niteman
  • niteman
  • Posts: 33

Re: You Took my Hand

Debbie,,I love every word of this poem this is a poem that keeps me comeing back,,you are a winner ,,anyone that writes as good as you is for sure a winner ,,Thank you so,,Niteman.

10-19-2009 at 07:24:59 PM

Re: You Took my Hand

I should be thanking you!-Thank u niteman grin

10-19-2009 at 08:02:38 PM
  • niteman
  • niteman
  • Posts: 33

Re: You Took my Hand

Debbie,,,,Your work is beautiful ,,,And everything you write I enjoy reading just keep up the great work,,,And know in your heart what you are writing is very good,,,Let me Thank you so much,,Niteman.

10-21-2009 at 06:06:38 PM
  • niteman
  • niteman
  • Posts: 33

Re: You Took my Hand

Deb,,,I want to Thank you so much for this poem,,I just read it again,,I feel in my life that I have been down a road like this,,and the more i read you work the more I love you work,,I would love to see this one published,,Thank you so much my friend a great writter you are,,,Niteman.

10-21-2009 at 08:56:11 PM

Re: You Took my Hand

its good sometimes to read someone elses words and see something we have felt or been through -sometimes helps us see clearer our situation--thank u again for your kind support!..Debbie

10-22-2009 at 01:52:49 PM

Re: You Took my Hand

A great write! I like the flow in your writing. And the 'feel' of the poem is superb.

10-26-2009 at 05:48:54 PM

Re: You Took my Hand

Thank u so much for ur kind words!

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.