Original Poetry Forums

Never Ending Pasta

10-03-2009 at 12:16:21 AM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

You are the greatest when it comes to slinging
words...I don't know....I guess you know what
you are saying, but please forgive me, for I don't.
That doesn't matter though...hey, who's keeping score ??
As long as the gals keep dancing, and calling for more,
Hell, we might be here all night listening to Ol' Hank singing......

rolleyes cool smile ohh confused and one for the road... tongue laugh

10-03-2009 at 12:40:15 AM
  • faithwalkfarm
  • faithwalkfarm
  • Posts: 92

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Hello boys, yeah I'm late,
can I still get a plate
or a bowl?
Did you save me a place?

Gogant, your still here?
yeah, I'll have a beer!
It seems that tonight
the music we hear
will be made for drinkin'
and where is that freakin'

Now friends, I'm real country
from Texas, you know,
so put on some Willie
and my blues will sure go
out the door.

Wordslinger and Bandit
save me a dance
if Dancing Hawk
will give me a chance
to break in.
Gogant, now's the time
for a little romance.
Please continue.

10-03-2009 at 01:12:23 AM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Homemade pasta is best,
if I had to chime in.
Thank you, Wordslinger,
for buying that gin!
Faith, of course,
Please be my guest!
I've been dancing all day!
I must get some rest!
Thank you, dear hearts,
for such lively banter -
I'm sure you'll be singing
as I'm all a-Slanter ...

goodnight! smile

10-03-2009 at 01:18:19 AM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Faith,soulsister,Im here-dont fret,
Im worried your doin something youll reget
Some boys here are playin,
theyll surely be strayin
remember-not to fall prey,
to the games that they play
-or my sister youll end up goin home alone!

Now dont get me wrong,I to like to have fun,
but I think these guys think they can get anyone!!

ps-Thanks for the ride LeRoy,
You been a good boy-
Now I will allow you to play!

10-03-2009 at 01:49:20 AM
  • faithwalkfarm
  • faithwalkfarm
  • Posts: 92

Re: Never Ending Pasta

My friend, thanks for the warning
and these boys, they are charming
but I'm older now and have had a few
men in life. There's nothing new
that these poets can do that my ex
hasn't already done.
Soulsister, it's all in good fun.
Hell, if I could survive Studly
I'll survive anyone!
but Maddi, thanks, and let's always
look out for each other....'cause with
Sisters, y'know, that's what it's about.

Last edited by faithwalkfarm 10-03-2009 at 01:58:40 AM

10-03-2009 at 02:01:59 AM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Faithwalkfarm, so calm,
and warm as you please -
with daisies and sunshine
sprinkled with ease -
You throw quite a party
I'm honored to join
this endless fiesta
of Pasta, Opine!

The sauce can be simple:
I like it as fresh
as Sage picked so gently
(thick with its mesh
of rubbery sweetness,
oily with zest)
Dropped in hot butter -
10 seconds -
No Less!

Then scoop out the leaves
and use them for garnish
'cuz if they cook longer
they do start to tarnish.

Pour the sauce - ladeled fresh -
on pasta scooped out
of some yummy water,
not boiled too hot.

The pasta - it's rolled -
by hand or machine;
We hope it's with love
this pasta is seen.

The maker - s/he's proud -
for the feast can be endless
as long as there's someone
to post more among us.

[oh dear. addictive. really ... goodnight and love to all ... smile so enjoy your posts and thx for the welcome!]

Last edited by dancinghawk 10-03-2009 at 02:03:49 AM

10-03-2009 at 02:18:14 AM
  • faithwalkfarm
  • faithwalkfarm
  • Posts: 92

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Dear Dancer, It's so good
to finally talk about food!
This pasta bowl feast
can be a real beast.
When the boys get their fill
of the food, as boys will
things tend to get out of hand.
I'm not sure if that was the plan!

10-03-2009 at 11:08:20 AM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

First of all, what a night, so sing
Maddi made us pasta in the morning
Complimentary breakfast
She's such a darling
She also says, "You have to try my french toast
Let me tell ya, she's such a, such a sweet host

Pasta in the morning?
Last nights spaghetti by
cooking, with eggs, and seasonings
I wonder if Hugo,
Emily, Yeats, and Poe
had them breakfast reasonings

Well I want some please
Add a little garlic and cheese
Get Leroy a big, big serving please
I want this the most
Maddi' your french toast

I can make alot of combinations
A hearty, a hearty sausage and bacon
I can do all that, and the dishes when I'm
in the kitchen, back their making
It's something you'll enjoy
Men do the dishes, hoy, hoy, hoy

Another fine pasta and noodle
A WordSlinger poetic doodle.........

10-03-2009 at 07:42:02 PM
  • caralho
  • caralho
  • Posts: 6

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Hi, I'm a bit new here. I'm learnin the ropes. What is all this? What pasta?

10-03-2009 at 08:13:44 PM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Who is this new guy joining our group?
He looks like he's starving, please get him some soup.
Hi caralho, all... are welcome here.
Sit down at our table, I'll buy you a beer.
We just get together to have a good time.
Joking and talking, while making it rhyme.
It's just a small restaurant, in anywhere ville.
Where the pasta is endless, and Faith pays the bill.
So, if you are interested, sit down to dine.
Signal the waiter to bring us some wine.
cool smile

10-03-2009 at 08:54:22 PM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Hey Word, get to the rear.
Bandit buy caralho a beer.
Turn down that jive
This ain’t no rutty dive.
Has anyone seen faith
Maddi or dancer ?
Maybe I’ll take on
Comet or prancer
I’ve got until dawn.
So, pour me a whisky
Three finger will do,
And hold the cavatina.

confused confused confused confused

10-03-2009 at 11:27:49 PM
  • faithwalkfarm
  • faithwalkfarm
  • Posts: 92

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Carolho welcome! The wine and the food
are very good, the view is not bad,
the waiters are skillful and the
chef in the back will prepare
you a mouthful of whatever you ask.

Once again we are here
to share the good cheer
Bandit, Gogant and Wordslinger
Maddi is coming and Dancer will bring
her fresh pasta.

Someone is missing, his absence is glaring
I miss his short temper and nostrils flaring....
He said he was leaving...
I didn't really believe
he would go.
Peace and love to you, Studly;
wherever there's love there is

Pass me, please the chardonnay
The party now is underway.

Gogant, I've been told you can hold
your whiskey as well as you write.
Saturday night and the time
is just right for both.

10-04-2009 at 12:14:23 AM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Ya, the view is much better now
With Fraulien Faith sitting down
Come on fellers you needn’t frown
I thought you’d all be laughing
dancing and singing a song.

Why don’t you sit here with us
Lift a glass high, salute one another
Hey, ain’t we drinking brothers ?

After all--the soup and pasta
we have to wash down.
Tis better it be corking whisky
then whats run off the chef’s brow.

Here’s to you dear Faith and
my regards to mad Maddi.
I angered her, you know.
She left here in a huff.
Plaese dear Maddi--
Don’t treat me so ruff.

10-04-2009 at 12:46:49 AM
  • faithwalkfarm
  • faithwalkfarm
  • Posts: 92

Re: Never Ending Pasta

What did you say Gogant, to our Maddi?
Did I miss something while gone to the ladies?
The last I saw of her, she was dancing with Word;
he said something of toast, but I haven't heard
from our Maddi.

10-04-2009 at 01:02:58 AM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Maddi insisted that I hurt dear John
I thought for sure, this was absurd
I’d queried…did she mean Word ?
She never did wipe away my frown.

So, I guess I’ll be going now, Faith
When I pass this way again I’ll be sure
To buy mad Maddi a rum toddy
And try not to be so dang gone naughty.

zipper to Maddi, and to you dear Faith kiss

10-04-2009 at 01:19:10 AM
  • faithwalkfarm
  • faithwalkfarm
  • Posts: 92

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Thank you, Gogant, for the explanation
I can't imagine the situation.
I'm pretty sure Word is a stand up guy
he certainly knows how to let the words fly!
No matter what you said or did
he didn't leave here in a twit!

Maddi's just resting for another day of play.
Some girls have all the fun, or so they like to say.
Give me a book, a cozy warm fire, a glass of my wine
I'll be fine. Who needs a man to have a good time?

10-04-2009 at 06:56:48 AM
  • caralho
  • caralho
  • Posts: 6

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Can anyone tell me where to find decent poetry on this cite, becoz the stuf I'm reading here seems pretty lame. Where are all the good poets?

10-04-2009 at 07:13:21 AM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Dearest Faith-Sorry,to miss our pasta date,
you see me and WordSlinger stayed up much to late!
We left shortly after our dance,
when Word,moved closer and whispered romance.
I have no ill feelings against anyone who stayed
It was just my heart was captured,then I played!

Now,Gogant was teasing,and it caused a stir,
All we need is more wine,pasta,and luvins' cure.
Slinger felt some disrespect,thats all,
He plays in the majors-not T-ball.

So,let us all end the weekend on a good note,
We are ALL writers of passion-here is MY quote;
"Lets hope all is well, and we LOVE in poetry-
'cause,in the end friends-thats what sets us free...."

ps-WordSlinger,Leroy ate all my FrenchToast!!!

10-04-2009 at 09:41:34 AM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

A lot of good poets left out of spite
For with their bark they also brought bite
Sick of the steam people shot up their ass
Almost blinded by literary trash

Some were just hurt, for sides had been chosen
Now they dine home, their pasta is frozen
Writing the diamonds that never saw rough
Drinking boxed wine, while creating the stuff

Genius is often left standing alone
Different, but Et needn't phone home
They'll probably die drowning in Ragu
Then become famous, the shunned always do.

Needless to say look around and you'll find
Many good poems, some don't even rhyme!
Lurking in transparent shadows you'll see
Shining stanzas, you just have to believe!

tongue wink

10-04-2009 at 09:45:12 AM
  • caralho
  • caralho
  • Posts: 6

Re: Never Ending Pasta

where is this study fellow that I saw on the video? what has he done? why did he leave?
is this jezabel person teaching a class?

10-04-2009 at 11:56:06 AM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Good morning, Caralho -
you have lots of questions;
maybe someone has answers,
but here are suggestions:

I haven't seen the video
to which you refer;
I don't know who Jezabel is,
or how you know her.

I can tell you that Studly
left in a huff;
he removed all his comments;
he took all his stuff.

If published writing is what you seek,
I'd suggest the public library ...
this site is a journey
for a never-ending poet party.

"Good" isn't the point,
as far as I'm concerned ...
it's about the passion, the interest,
the ear and the word.

Some here have skill,
others have feeling;
if you can deliver both ...
you'll deliver more meaning.

You sound very focused ...
I hope you find what you need.
If we've been of help
it may be a miracle, indeed.

Good luck to you traveler -
tho you're welcome to stay,
or drop in when you can
to sit down and play.

10-04-2009 at 12:34:28 PM
  • caralho
  • caralho
  • Posts: 6

Re: Never Ending Pasta

It was on youtube, and it was the boobala video. I cannot remember the last time I laughed so hard! My daughter loves the boobala video, and I have to play it for her over and over, so I'm getting to know this studly fellow well. lol So I saw a couple of his others where he pays tribute to the lady who was dying, and I got this webcite adress from those videos. Now there is some kind of scandal, and nobody seems to know anything, but I checked out his farewell, and he claims that he was betrayed. Then this jezebel person claims that studly behaves badly, but she is not specific and so she is hard to understand because she makes no sense. If he is so terrible, then why did he leave? If he did so many bad things, did she report him? I am disappointed-I wanted to check him out. Unlike you, I don't find much soul or feeling or plesure in bad poetry. Is jezabel teaching a class? I couldn't tell! Sorry, I don't mean to start a problem, but I am shocked and disapointed.

10-04-2009 at 01:14:17 PM
  • faithwalkfarm
  • faithwalkfarm
  • Posts: 92

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Caralho, I think you are on the wrong page
you see here, it's the word feast thats the rage.
This page is done
in light hearted fun
Perhaps on the "chat's"
where the info is at
that you seek.
Take a peek?

Excuse the bad rhyme
but we have a good time.
This isn't a showcase of work, so don't linger;
Except for that of Madelynn and Wordslinger's
talent too hot, word written so well
it matters not where or what the hell.

If you find Studly, tell him we miss him.
Believe it or not, we all are his friends.
I for one, miss him like crazy
without his presence, I get a bit lazy.

Last edited by faithwalkfarm 10-04-2009 at 08:26:27 PM

10-04-2009 at 02:37:26 PM
  • caralho
  • caralho
  • Posts: 6

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Refering to him as a little boy, that he took his "toys and went home", only makes it look like he had a reason to leave, and that he felt betrayed. Are you one of jezebel's friends? You must be, you agree with her, becoz that's wat she said too. Did anybody answer him when he made these claims? Forget about that, I don't think stinky poetry is fun, unless of corse you're trying to tern this into a social club. Is that what it's supposed to be? I mean, every single posting is the same thing. it looks like you guys are out of ideas. Cats and pitbulls on the menu is pretty funny, and so is felonius mutent pastry...I'm sorry-I was epecting that, could you tell me why he took his toys and went home? What do you do with your toys? lol

Last edited by caralho 10-04-2009 at 02:52:07 PM

10-04-2009 at 06:17:57 PM
  • caralho
  • caralho
  • Posts: 6

Re: Re: Never Ending Pasta

Originally Posted by faithwalkfarm

Carolho welcome! The wine and the food
are very good, the view is not bad,
the waiters are skillful and the
chef in the back will prepare
you a mouthful of whatever you ask.

Once again we are here
to share the good cheer
Bandit, Gogant and Wordslinger
Maddi is coming and Dancer will bring
her fresh pasta.

Someone is missing, his absence is glaring
I miss his short temper and nostrils flaring....
He said he was leaving...
I didn't really believe
he would go.
Peace and love to you, Studly;
wherever there's love there is

What dos this mean? Does it mean that studly is beyond hope, and that he doesn't have love? Does this mean that you have the right to betray him but that he has no right to get angry? This is very condesending and insultant, together with the "take his toys and go home" remark, it is easy to see where he got angry, and you're judging him because of it. That is like entrapment. You guys are not giving a very good account of yourselves.

Last edited by caralho 10-04-2009 at 06:20:45 PM

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.