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Be yourself; everyone else is already taken -- Oscar Wilde

09-13-2009 at 07:15:34 PM
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Be yourself; everyone else is already taken -- Oscar Wilde

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken -- Oscar Wilde cool hmm

09-13-2009 at 11:22:10 PM

Re: Be yourself; everyone else is already taken -- Oscar Wilde

Originally Posted by poetography

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken -- Oscar Wilde cool hmm

seems no choice for me here-after all, according to some, your not really a poet unless you play by the rules-form-forget the message-not proper style-all is babble-not poetry at all. rolleyes

09-14-2009 at 07:15:14 AM
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Be yourself; everyone else is already taken -- Oscar Wilde

so with that in mind your not really a golfer if you don't play by the rules or your not a tennis player of you like to go out once a week and hit a few balls around - or you did not play baseball if you went to the park and hit a few balls around-------

i dont buy that--

i like poetry because - i get to make up the rules -

i ain't gonna be walt whitman --this is my happy place - so i'll be happy with my poetry-

at least with poetry i can hit the ball it might go into the woods but i do connect -

gold on the otherhand - i miss off the tee every time ---

have fun with your version of poetry - and thank everyone for thier comments- we can learn from all .......

09-14-2009 at 01:47:52 PM

Re: Be yourself; everyone else is already taken -- Oscar Wilde

I feel better already. Man made the rules-he can change them. I AM a poet. Some ego-ed booked fools probably had to read directions on how to cross the street. cool smirk

09-15-2009 at 12:34:52 AM
  • studly111
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Re: Re: Be yourself; everyone else is already taken -- Oscar Wilde

Originally Posted by mspoetris

Originally Posted by poetography

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken -- Oscar Wilde cool hmm

seems no choice for me here-after all, according to some, your not really a poet unless you play by the rules-form-forget the message-not proper style-all is babble-not poetry at all. rolleyes

...according to who? Who are the "some, (who say) your (sic) not really a poet unless you play by the rules-forget-the-message... Who is saying that? Where are you getting that from? Maybe you're confusing "style" with writing basic English. Is it too much to ask to expect a writer to be able to write decent English? Please don't confuse style with error, and please don't demonize those who do what you cannot do...it is always possible to learn and grow. I did-I challenge you to do the same. This is part and parcel of our great poetic culture.

09-15-2009 at 01:31:54 AM

Re: Be yourself; everyone else is already taken -- Oscar Wilde

O.K. O.K. So be it. Style, as I was taught, is a fingerprint. I only got C's in English grammar.
and I'd be lost without spell-check. Our language is da hardest I think, next to Chinese.lol smile

09-15-2009 at 01:32:59 AM

Re: Be yourself; everyone else is already taken -- Oscar Wilde

Is that the phrase of the day? Because my local chiropractor had it on their board outside. Lol. cool smile cool smile

09-15-2009 at 01:52:50 AM
  • studly111
  • studly111
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Re: Be yourself; everyone else is already taken -- Oscar Wilde

Style is a little more than that; it is actually a maifestation of our personality. OK, so you don't like "style" and form-that in itself, is a style. But my whole point is, how can you "break the rules" if you don't even know what they are! Now, the folks who desire to write lyric, rhyming, metric poetry; are backed into a corner. they MUST learn the rules and follow them. My postings have been for the benefit of lyric poets, so the issues that I have addressed have been primarily for them. So you don't like metic poetry, because you don't like rules. My thread does NOT pertain to you! I'm sorry for the confusion!

Last edited by studly111 09-16-2009 at 07:37:24 PM

09-16-2009 at 04:49:43 PM
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Be yourself; everyone else is already taken -- Oscar Wilde

I need to learn the rules --and I will do so-

Thank you

09-16-2009 at 07:35:42 PM
  • studly111
  • studly111
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Re: Be yourself; everyone else is already taken -- Oscar Wilde

Originally Posted by poetography

I need to learn the rules --and I will do so-

Thank you
No you don't, my dear fellow bard! There is really only one rule; "To thine own self be true"!

09-16-2009 at 09:27:59 PM
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Be yourself; everyone else is already taken -- Oscar Wilde

I did not read other poets or study poetry for 3 years on purpose because I wanted to find my own voice and not copy anothers. I feel confident in my voice now and I would , in fact, like to learn about poetic form- it certainly can not hurt- now.

09-16-2009 at 11:26:37 PM

Re: Be yourself; everyone else is already taken -- Oscar Wilde

This is for me. I like to be true to myself cheese

09-18-2009 at 10:05:43 PM

Re: Be yourself; everyone else is already taken -- Oscar Wilde

In my humble but obviously perfect opinion (ha f*cking ha) anyone can be themselves, write what and or how they want...but don't expect others to get on board and or champion your ideas if you haven't found an interesting way to present yesterday's thoughts. The problems, passions, and perceptions of now are the same as 100 years ago...so it is our job to illustrate not so new ideas in a way that people feel as if they have never seen them given life before. To jot in the heat of genius and not reflect after the pulse has left the pen is like perfectly cooking a chicken but forgetting to season it properly.
If the emotion is strong enough to spawn written language, then it should be strong enough to propel the want to revisit and revise.
For some a first write may be the divine write, but not all of us are as lucky.

09-18-2009 at 11:10:30 PM
  • poetography
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Be yourself; everyone else is already taken -- Oscar Wilde

i have a job- and poetry is not it----
if i took it so seriously- i'd probably not do it anymore-
poetry is art-
brush strokes with words-
the exploration of the mind-
expression of humanity in an inhumane world-
it's the beginning , middle and end - it's reaL and sureal-
its awake and asleep--
my ship sails alone or with others on board- makes no difference-
the path is the next word- the map is lost- there is no treasure--------------

09-19-2009 at 01:43:34 AM
  • studly111
  • studly111
  • Posts: 46

Re: Re: Be yourself; everyone else is already taken -- Oscar Wilde

Originally Posted by Pape

In my humble but obviously perfect opinion (ha f*cking ha) anyone can be themselves, write what and or how they want...but don't expect others to get on board and or champion your ideas if you haven't found an interesting way to present yesterday's thoughts. The problems, passions, and perceptions of now are the same as 100 years ago...so it is our job to illustrate not so new ideas in a way that people feel as if they have never seen them given life before. To jot in the heat of genius and not reflect after the pulse has left the pen is like perfectly cooking a chicken but forgetting to season it properly.
If the emotion is strong enough to spawn written language, then it should be strong enough to propel the want to revisit and revise.
For some a first write may be the divine write, but not all of us are as lucky.
SAY AMEN SOMEBODY!!! You are so right! It is not really what we actually say, but how we say it! We may say what has been said before, however, our continual challenge is to say it in a way that has never been said before. This necessitates the active involvement of our imagination. This would tend to exclude the "write what I feel", "Jerry Springer audience" psuedo-poets; you know, those that think they're the next Naomi Judd, Loretta Lynn, Tammy Wynette, or Buck Owens! They're the ones that think that just because they have a "message", that they are exempt from their obligation to properly deliver it; that we should overlook their subpar writing and stroke them or else they'll complain that the "elitist" is "putting them down". (Sorry to vent, but I had to take a break from snorting detergent and listening to "Montavani Plays the Beatles"!) wink wink wink wink wink

Last edited by studly111 09-19-2009 at 01:44:53 AM

09-19-2009 at 06:42:57 AM
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Be yourself; everyone else is already taken -- Oscar Wilde

the world needs conformist and non-conformist- when it comes to poetry-all are welcome-
if a person decides to get off the couch , turn off the TV, and write 3 words on a shopping bag then he is welcome at mt country club - if someone shows up with a shopping cart full of how to write poetry books , he is also welcome -
" free at last - fee at last - thank god we're free at last "

The Beat Generation works highlighted the primacy of such Beat Generation essentials as spontaneity, open emotion, visceral engagement in often gritty worldly experiences; in a seeming paradox, the Beats often emphasized a spiritual yearning, using concepts and imagery from Buddhism, Judaism, Catholicism, and so on. Thus members of the Beat Generation sought a synthesis of the "beaten down" and the "beatific," as Kerouac described it. One of the best-publicized aspects of Beat writing is the continual challenge to the limits of free expression; the Beat writers produced a body of written work controversial both for its advocacy of non-conformity and for its non-conforming style.

peace brothers and sisters - poets for peace - poets for free expression- poets for art-
poets for themselves -

09-19-2009 at 06:51:32 AM
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Be yourself; everyone else is already taken -- Oscar Wilde

Hard Core

Quarters always drop out of my pants.
My left pocket has a hole in it
but I never fix it or replace my pants.
I'm sure it would cost more to fix than to replace,
so I hope the quarters drop where
they'll be found and most appreciated.

As a poet I seek neither fame nor fortune.
If I found both they would take time away
from writing hard core poetry.
A good poet has a way with words
but tempers his words for the sake of an audience.
A great poet has no audience;
he has no humility and writes with no fear
of rejection or critique or profit or publication,
and this is what I call hard core.
If you get naked and stare death in the face
with a clenched fist and say, Take me anytime, motherfucker,
then you are ready to write great poetry.

This is a no bullshit art form.
This is where the sword meets the stone.
Come and get me, motherfucker,
and take my words to hell.

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.