Original Poetry Forums

A Growing Pet Peeve!!!

08-29-2009 at 04:36:23 PM

A Growing Pet Peeve!!!

I'm not entirely sure what is the best way to get the word out when I've posted a new poem! I don't want to post in the 'Read My Poetry' category. And I don't really want to pm a dozen peeps every time either. If I'm missing something here, I'm all ear lobes!

To OP, Dah, et al: Maybe there should be a page devoted only to a compilation of all poems one week old and newer! And/or some sort of an alert/count, along with pms and friend req's, which is based on one's friend's list and whoever one's ever commented on! Something seriously needs to be done to remedy this major, MAJOR annoyance. And there's the flip too, I miss when my friends have posted new ones 4+ days ago - because I can't, don't, and won't check everyone every single day. That hurts everyone's contest ratings, for one thing. It's an awesome site, but there are definitely some important improvements that need to be integrated.

I've a new one titled "Abstract Blue".

Stara Adrifta
cool smile

08-29-2009 at 08:27:20 PM

Re: A Growing Pet Peeve!!!

The suggestion to add the capability to send private messages to either ALL of ones friends, or at least multiple friends, in one message was submitted by myself several weeks back. They indicated that they would consider it but their priority was on coming up with a new scoring system for the weekly contest. Still waiting for either one or both and both are needed desperately.


08-29-2009 at 09:32:16 PM
  • studly1111
  • studly1111
  • Posts: 10

Re: A Growing Pet Peeve!!!

I find that the best way to get your poetry read, is to read, critique and rate as many poems as possible. Be kind but honest!

08-29-2009 at 09:42:51 PM

Re: A Growing Pet Peeve!!!

I've been meaning to ask you studly...Are you some kind of college professor, or are you one of the lucky ones that was born with the gift of intelligence ?

08-29-2009 at 10:15:21 PM
  • studly1111
  • studly1111
  • Posts: 10

Re: A Growing Pet Peeve!!!

No, my friend! I'm not that intelligent. I only have a little over a year in college. I was unable to stay in college for vatious medical reasons. It appears as if I have been blessed with a facility to express myself in writing. It is not hard to learn-if you are so inclined.

Last edited by studly1111 08-29-2009 at 10:16:08 PM

08-29-2009 at 10:37:49 PM

Re: A Growing Pet Peeve!!!

To Hamps!!: I agree with your idea as well, and I guess we shall wait.

To Studly1111: No disrespect intended here whatsoever, but I so very completely know that, lol! The problem is, it's nowhere near enough. First, I do indeed comment very regularly, and gosh dang it, not just because I've posted anything new. Ideally, really, no one should have to comment on 20 poems in order to indirectly generate 20 responses on one's new one. Second, I do believe that Hamps! and myself have much better solutions. Third, I can't spend 3 hrs every day commenting on anything on this planet. Fourth, kind but honest is a given - and I very rarely give one sentence comments. Fifth, Studly, what do you think of Hamps! and my ideas, they do make sense, right?

To Gogant: No comment, aside from lol of course (no offense Studly)!

cool smile

08-29-2009 at 11:45:45 PM

Re: A Growing Pet Peeve!!!

Well, studly writes some deep sophisticated posts that tend to be way over this poor boy's head. I know one thing, stardrift, I am lucky if I get to spend one hour a day on this poetry site...I wish I could spend more time, but it just isn't as important as making a living and raising bearers of my tree branch. long face

08-30-2009 at 11:24:02 PM

Re: A Growing Pet Peeve!!!

Good save Studly, lol! I'll bet you've an equivalent of four doctorates easily! Good stuff.

And I hear you Go! About one hour a day is sufficient. Wait, you're raising tree branches? Don't you think that's kind of odd? Lol!

Starium Driftium

08-31-2009 at 09:55:40 AM
  • studly111
  • studly111
  • Posts: 46

Re: A Growing Pet Peeve!!!

You guys think WAY too highly of me! red face What I've done in the past is to compile a list of my friends (an active list). and have sent mailings advising them of a new post. With the way the email configuration is here, since you are only able to send to one recipient at a time, this is very time consuming. On that basis, I would inquire as to whether it might be possible to improve the email system so that it can accomodate multiple recipients with one mailing. hmmm

08-31-2009 at 10:32:43 AM

Here are My thoughts of Studdly and other things

I really have to throw a comment in here about Studdly. I have watched over several months how he seems to pin point flaws of poets like a displined surgeon. I have also seen him get flack for speaking the truth no matter how blunt or truthful it is. So Yes I got a great deal of respect for the man. He is some what of a metor to alot of people here and I want him to know that. As far as the main thread question. I have found that constant communication with other poets and reading of thier work seems to get more rates and comments. I love the interaction with this group of poets and have found many good friends here and I have found some bad drama here too. Learn to desipher the two and enjoy the work of those you like and teach the ones of who lag in thier work to become better within themselves. Thats the road I went down. I know my work is not for everyone. But I hold my own as a poet. I may not be a perfectionist like studdly but I do strive to become greater then what I am and through the words of poets like studdy and others I see where I am lagging and 95% of the time compensate for it. Well I hope this was informitive. Yes I am a terrible speller. Plot121 AKA Robert... cool hmm cool hmm

Last edited by Plot121 08-31-2009 at 10:38:33 AM

08-31-2009 at 01:38:10 PM

Re: A Growing Pet Peeve!!!

Hi Stardrift,

Originally Posted by Stardrift

To OP, Dah, et al: Maybe there should be a page devoted only to a compilation of all poems one week old and newer! And/or some sort of an alert/count, along with pms and friend req's, which is based on one's friend's list and whoever one's ever commented on! Something seriously needs to be done to remedy this major, MAJOR annoyance. And there's the flip too, I miss when my friends have posted new ones 4+ days ago - because I can't, don't, and won't check everyone every single day. That hurts everyone's contest ratings, for one thing. It's an awesome site, but there are definitely some important improvements that need to be integrated.

We're looking at rebuilding the reading area, and I am going to add this to the list of ideas we have and share it with the others.

As for the suggestions from Hampton, we haven't forgotten those.

Here's a quick update: We're in the process of re-tooling many of the sections of the site. We've stopped with just touching up small parts, and gone to overhauling to meet the requests and needs of the poets. That's why there have not been any real updates in a while. We've got a ways to go, but it won't be long before we have a large set of updates and additions rolled out.

-Papa Paczki snake

08-31-2009 at 03:09:40 PM

Re: A Growing Pet Peeve!!!

In my own personal opinion, Studly is a brilliant poet and people should look up to him as their muse/mentor or however you want to put it. I have been blown away by his poetry, and to all of you who have wondered if he is college educated, talent isn't dictated by a pretty piece of paper hanging on your wall. I'd be willing to bet that the greatest writers of our time and before probably scoffed at the idea of college...College can teach certain things, yes, but it can't teach talent. It can teach the proper usage and spelling of the English language, but it can't teach feeling or passion for the subject you are writing about. If you don't have the passion for it, you may as well leave it alone...

09-05-2009 at 09:56:44 PM
  • studly111
  • studly111
  • Posts: 46

Re: A Growing Pet Peeve!!!

You're too kind, uspslady! I do not deserve such glowing praise! I am not worthy!

Last edited by studly111 09-05-2009 at 10:00:15 PM

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)