Thank You P.O.E.T.S
Thanks OP P.O.E.T.S
I'd like to thank all the poets who have volunterred their poems so far to help The P.O.E.T.S. cause which has been explained in an earlier thread in Poetry Events and News entitled Join The P.O.E.T.S.
This same effort is now taking place on other poetry sites and the anthology is growing. I urge other poets on OriginalPoetry to join this green cause and volunteer nature and invironmental poems to further help its growth. Poetry will be accepted throughout the end of 2009. Please contact me, Dragonfly1023, if you are interested in participating. thanks again.
The following is a list of OP poets and poems to be included in the anthology to date:
AdokenxRazahl - Life Of An Ant - A Letter From Mother Nature
aggieprof - Three Sisters
alreedus - Alan - White Gold Kenya 1996
Angel197038 - Helen - none yet
Busgoddess - Valerie - none yet
castlemist - Jerry - Behold The Crossroad - Crimson Sin
courage - Golden, Donna - Mornings - A Gentle Breeze
devildog232 - Charles - Reap What You Sow
dijeff21 - Why Do You Let Me Die? - The Earth Is Dying
DWriter - Dori - Love Your Neighbor - One World One Tribe - Hearing Nature Sing- Metamorphosis
EvilEyes - Come With Me
Forestbird - Siberian crane - Siberian memories
frog - Trudging - The Beach
gablocini - Wonderful Little Black Bird - Nature Loves Us - Lion King
GentleT- Balance - A Summer Stroll
ginga - Linda - Gaberdine Lane - Tree - What Is Black
gmcookie - The End - The Reason Why - What if?
Godsgang - a.k.a. Pyper - Autumn - This Dying Earth - World Pollution
gogant - An Autumn Stroll - Clambering
Grito - Shields - Willow
gypsyf8 - Our Land - Stream Therapy
Hampton - God’s Visit
Hathor4Wine - Red Dawn Surfacing
HCHolbert - Spirit Of The Falls
Jademelissa74 - Erika - Reverence To Mother Earth - Reverence To Antarctica - The Cedar Tree
Jlorian - Welcome To Hell
kah - Twilight - Modern Life - Autumn
Katylove - My Lovely - Night Scene - My Current Affair
ladypooh - The Creation
LenaMP - Cathedral Spiritual - Communion With Dawn - The Circle Resumes
linlee - After The Spring Rain - Middle March - Middle October
Mlea - My Eden - Good Morning
MrGee - Like The Bee - The Grass
optimistic - Burning Warning
Paleidia - Gaia’s Girl
Phoenix9 - Rick - Without trees - Parasites Pt. 1 - 2 - 3 - The World is Crying
poetography - - I Don’t Get It.
Poetgirl4 - Mother Nature
RavenPhoenix85 - Earth’s Fate?
Rodley, Laura - Drying Grass - Not Quite January Thaw - Hope - Afterlife for a Pear Tree
sampson - My Sweetheart - Summer Day
SavVySam - Dolphin Song
Shea, Martha - Body of Water - Snowshoe - Clear Beauty
soulwriter - Jeff - Vanishing
spbsdude - Dad’s Farm- In My Solitude Of Nature’s Joy
StandingBear - A Single Tree - Into Them, Into Me, Into You - Yellow Dawn
susanismith - Mother Nature - Faith
SWolfBlood - The World’s End
Tempestlady - Rhonda - The Bobcat - The Drought
trocka7 - Sunset Salutation - Winter Magic - Edge Of Storm
UnworthyFather - marcus - Natures Provision - Nature’s Voice
ViolinestAP - Evening Mellow - One Summers Day
wabipenache - none yet
WatashLegend - Can’t Breathe - Protect Your Mother - Act Now
wheelsal - Dark Humid Still
WordSlinger - John - Return to the Forest - Run For The Stars - Hawg Jaws The Saw Dawg
Last edited by dragonfly1023 09-15-2009 at 01:16:14 PM
Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.
Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.