Original Poetry Forums

DPS ll Challenge "When GOD knocks on your Door"

09-02-2009 at 10:38:39 PM

Re: Re: DPS ll Challenge "When GOD knocks on your Door"

I would love to join this group for challenges in writing. I have posted my poem at my site under singcanary on originalpoetry.com:
When God Knocks on Your Door" please feel free to read and comment on this poem. I think I may be late for this contest? Does it end on Aug. 30 or Sept. 30th? LOL
Sorry...I just found you. Linda kiss

09-02-2009 at 11:38:03 PM

Re: DPS ll Challenge "When GOD knocks on your Door"

When the tears bleed from your "thorns" of sorrow,
and these aches of "love" nourish all
that are weak

I come to "you" wrapped in your winged glory

to be guided by the days rays
"rocking" me to sleep in your bed of "parables"

promising me "gifts of life" with your guiding hand
that "burns" into my spirit

I am "reborn" to you
only because I see, hear and "follow you"

Please teach me your depth of "feeling"
as one captures his quest amidst this "fallen world"
of knowledge

I am but a child learning to walk
as I hunger for "your" loving grace

Only you can hear my "calling"

For I am "lost" without you

swallowed in the depths of a sinful world-wind
searching for all that is wrong

I am not of this earth,
I wish only my enemy's "healing"

I suffered as you did
watching "tears" fall into puddles of mistakes
as people lose their way into a pattern of confusion

Why do "I" see you

My guilt is knowing your "special-ness"
as others have no direction

Passion has "no" sin
Psalms melts these words into pages of "love"
on giving and receiving one to another

We lose "nothing" following you,
but gain all of the "winds" swaying its tones
into a symphony of "warm" protection

As a Father cares for its flesh
nurturing its wishes,
I thirst for "your" knowledge

Asking why "your knock" swept me off my feet!

L.C. Sept. '09

Last edited by Singcanary 09-02-2009 at 11:40:32 PM

09-03-2009 at 10:51:26 PM

Re: DPS ll Challenge "When GOD knocks on your Door"

I loved the read. While the poem in it's entirety is great this is my favorite line:

I wish only my enemy's "healing"

Isn't that what's it's all about? I shudder when I think of what things have been done in the name of Christ that he would have no part in such as The Holocaust and Crusades. - deborah

09-03-2009 at 11:33:59 PM

DPS ll Challenge

Phoenix9, I thought the "When GOD knocks on your Door" challenge was finished. What is going on ?


09-04-2009 at 07:43:34 AM

Re: DPS ll Challenge "When GOD knocks on your Door"

it is but always have room for more, next challenge will be posted today, Rick vampire

09-14-2009 at 11:10:48 AM

Re: DPS ll Challenge "When GOD knocks on your Door"

Just looked over this thread. I like the challenge, but doubt I'll be inspired to write an entry by the deadline. I found devaamindo's poem very interesting. I really liked rhymeriter's poem too. To me, it didn't really fit the challenge, but it was very well written, very good and I could clearly tell it was thought provoked by the thread and the challenge. Interesting what all comes up for each of us in just thinking about the question. I feel for wwjd72 as she deals with her childhood abuse. I'm not sure what she had originally posted that others took offense too as it's not still on. Her explanation was very personal and I found it amazing that she could share so much on line. I later understood more as I read her poem about coming to terms with her childhood abuse. Poetry can be such a healing process. The writing, the sharing and the reading. Good luck to you all and thank you all for sharing! smile

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.