Original Poetry Forums

UPA Forum Challenge

08-10-2009 at 11:24:46 PM

UPA Forum Challenge Open invitation

UPA is recruiting again open to the whole site please place title in the feed and we will be commenting and rating everyone those that seem to fit the bill will have the UPA agreement e-mailed to them so bring your best. Please place the title here and at the bottom of the poem when you post it put UPA recruiting challenge.

write a poem about meeting the person you most want to talk to alive or dead int he poem ask them your questions and write a what they would say to you. Anyone alive or dead.
thats the challenge good luck to you Plot121
you have until 23rd of Aug. to submit the work after that all the founders will get a hold of you if you make the grade good luck
cool smirk

Last edited by Plot121 08-15-2009 at 10:58:31 PM

08-11-2009 at 06:30:53 PM



One night as I tossed in restless sleep,
My awareness perceived a soft gleam.
It was the spirit of Nelson Mandela
Come to me in a dream.

Gently, the luminous gleam coalesced
Into a kind and thoughtful face.
And my mind raced madly for something to say,
Some question I could pose with grace.

“Tell me Mr. Mandela,” I finally asked
How did you persevere?
How did your strength and wisdom
Overcome your fear.

“It wasn’t so difficult.” The kind face replied.
“For your soul retains limitless might,
When you trust the cause you’re fighting for,
And you know in your heart you are right.”

“Tell me Mr. Mandela,” I said eagerly.
“Of the belief by which you live.”
How did you find inside yourself
The power to forgive?”

“A simple question,” said the face.
Smiling warmly. “Easier, still, than the last.
I just asked if I wanted to live in the future,
Or relive a dark, wretched past.”

“How can I follow your lead?” I inquired
As the countenance started to fade.
“Just hold your head high” He said as he vanished.
“Particularly when… you’re afraid.”

08-15-2009 at 10:17:20 PM

UPA=Challenge I Want To Get Drunk Want To Get Drunk With Slash Again

Hey Robert & Friends,

Here is one, I'm working on another.


Again, I want to get drunk with Slash
This time, I''ll use the plastic instead of cash
We'll have a good time again, and have some more laughs
But this time there's something I wont ask

See I asked him to have a safe flight
He looked at me so very surprised
He said my mother never wished me that, with a tear in his eye
He hugged me, and said you're one hell of a guy

I walked him to his car
Me with this rock star
What a story so far
Well, I want to get drunk with Slash again
In any Metal bar

Please just rate it here, and buy us another beer.

08-16-2009 at 12:45:15 AM

Re: UPA Forum Challenge

Grandfather Wolf
by Kimberly Dixon

As I walk onto the reservation-
I feel the veil being raised.
Here the two paths collide
Past and present closer inside the veil
Then outside the gate-
I make my journey
Down the trail of history-
my ancestors stand proud
as I draw near
"Grandfather, why is the world today so lost?"
"Child of my blood, the people have
forgotten us- our ways."
"But Grandfather, why is the world so lost?"
"Child, with out your past, you can not have a future?"
The trail fades as I leave the hunting grounds of my people
"Grandfather, do not let me forget!"
"Child, your blood already has."
As I awaken, I feel the tears on my cheeks-
And know- I forgotten something important.

08-16-2009 at 11:59:19 AM

Re: UPA Forum Challenge

What is UPA Challenge? When I post poem to my homepage, should I select allow for entry into contest?

08-16-2009 at 12:13:59 PM

Untitled Conversation for UPA - What is UPA?

Is UPA seperate from Originalpoetry.com? Please explain. Either way, thanks for the opportunity.


Above is my entry.

Last edited by jeanpnkldyg 08-18-2009 at 03:43:31 PM

08-16-2009 at 03:10:00 PM

Re: UPA Forum Challenge

well yes it is an idependant group drwn from poets here we use the site to do most of the communication and challenges but the group has goals that range outside of this site so if your intrested let me know Robert...

08-16-2009 at 05:08:27 PM

Life Sentence

I take up arms against your beast,
His familiar contours mirroring my own.
The Voodoo belches from his black heart
and I sing a séance,
hoping that words might tame;
but then language is his best guise-
the glaze he spreads over the razor
point of his weapon
just before he slices.

His letters form death sentences
no matter if guilty or not
and you are always the one
left begging for mercy,
for justice,
as sweet as the freedom
that I try to hide inside.

I realize,
we are both prisoners
in love with our chains.

Why were you taken and left me here
bound with no lingering melody....

Only the old ones, played over and over,
memorized, every bend, every grunt.

My tether grows heavier every day without you.

You were my vector....

Carry me to him

when the willows weep my name,

when my time in this life has somehow passed.

Lift me above the river's edge

fill me to the brim,

sprinkle me silently into the wind.

Take me to my love,

the one who waits for me

beyond the world that lies before me,
beyond the silence in the night,
beyond the loneliness in my song,
beyond the death that kept us separate for so long.

08-16-2009 at 11:38:03 PM

UPA Forum Challenge

UPA Forum Challenge

Chief Sitting Bull was a person that I always admired from the stories I'd been told when I was a young kid. I would like to post this poem here.
The link is: http://www.originalpoetry.com/a-dakota-sioux


08-17-2009 at 11:55:17 AM

Re: UPA Forum Challenge

Unknown Entities

They came at night when I was six or seven
Floating down from above like a cloud leaving heaven
In a clearing down from the grassy path it landed
From a bright flashy craft they four had disbanded

Frozen in place I watched in terrified, stunned silence
I was just a skinny kid and could not prevent violence
I must have choked or uttered some words
next thing I know away flew a flock of black birds

they looked at me then and approached in great strides
I could not move, trembling arms glued to my sides
Nowhere to hide and I couldnt even run
I stared at them all and prayed for the sun

When at last I regained my 5 senses and time resumed
I found we could think out loud and away went my gloom
I thought the words slowly and they seemed surprised
That I could think with them when I looked in their eyes

We thought for hours together standing in that field
They had many great powers as yet to reveal
When i asked what they came for, They showed me great things
And a promise to return and bring mankind new wings

Now i realize that was some time ago
Each night I stare upward and wait for the show
I know in my heart someday they`ll return
As promises go this one I did earn

Its been 40 years and still not a sign
The worlds in turmoil, the populace blind
If they dont show up soon im afraid of the cost
Took a wrong turn at mars? or perhaps just got lost.....

I hope this is good enough for the challenge I know you said dead or alive, these guys were alive at the time. just kidding I made it up..........or did I? Rougepriest

Last edited by rougepriest 08-17-2009 at 12:30:30 PM

08-18-2009 at 12:09:02 AM

Re: UPA Forum Challenge

alright kats the young buck is here you may stop saluting, not really the best of nights for me to be doing this but with that deadline fast approaching and me just getting word of the wagon going around I better not procrastinate...


I dont feel its my strongest work yet but defiantly not the weakest. I tried to embody a little piece of the person in it best I could tonight by jamming his tunes while I wrote, felt it came out well enough in the work.

cool cheese

I found the question and answer part hard to use to form a reply with but managed all the same. Was a decent challenge anyways.

08-18-2009 at 12:21:44 AM

Re: UPA Forum Challenge



Enjoy zipper

Last edited by StandingBear 08-18-2009 at 12:26:19 AM

08-19-2009 at 08:49:55 AM

Re: UPA Forum Challenge


08-19-2009 at 09:07:06 AM

Re: UPA Forum Challenge


08-19-2009 at 10:30:57 AM

Re: UPA Forum Challenge


08-21-2009 at 10:24:46 AM

Re: UPA Forum Challenge Open invitation

Originally Posted by Plot121

UPA is recruiting again open to the whole site please place title in the feed and we will be commenting and rating everyone those that seem to fit the bill will have the UPA agreement e-mailed to them so bring your best. Please place the title here and at the bottom of the poem when you post it put UPA recruiting challenge.

write a poem about meeting the person you most want to talk to alive or dead int he poem ask them your questions and write a what they would say to you. Anyone alive or dead.
thats the challenge good luck to you Plot121
you have until 23rd of Aug. to submit the work after that all the founders will get a hold of you if you make the grade good luck
cool smirk

08-21-2009 at 10:26:26 AM

Re: UPA Forum Challenge AM I TO BLAME

Once again the nightmare clouds my vision,
The one where I see your last moments in time,
Moments filled with pain I think it was a quarter past nine.

A time when life as I knew it would end,
A time when you could no longer be my friend.

Did you know this is how things would be?
Did you long for death to set you free?
As the metal and glass exploded around you,
Was the pain too much to bare?
Did you try to hang on,
At this point did you care?
What was your last thought,
Your last vision to hold,
And in the end did you shudder from the cold?
Does it hurt to die,
The kind of hurt,I feel now as I cry?
So many questions I wish I could ask of you,
Like is heaven all they say is true?
For I know heaven is where you must be
Because you were always an angel to me.

And what if I’d only taken your keys,
Would you then still be here with me?

08-23-2009 at 11:07:44 PM

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Last edited by photochick 12-25-2016 at 08:33:17 PM

08-24-2009 at 12:23:42 AM




ENJOY ~ zipper


08-24-2009 at 09:19:26 AM

The Open Challenge is ended !!!

I will be having a meeting with the members of the group Today. We shall get back to you within three days thanks all for your participation and will be in contact with you with the agreement. Thanks again and have a great day. Will have a new challenge up by Wednesday for the site.
Should have most everything read and commented on then. Have a great day Plot121 AKA Robert... cool smile

08-25-2009 at 10:29:03 AM

Re: UPA Forum Challenge

uspslady thanks for the comment on my challenge poem !!!! loved yours as well grin

Last edited by photochick 08-25-2009 at 10:29:46 AM

08-25-2009 at 10:09:12 PM


Originally Posted by WordSlinger

Hey Robert & Friends,

Here is one, I'm working on another.


Again, I want to get drunk with Slash
This time, I''ll use the plastic instead of cash
We'll have a good time again, and have some more laughs
But this time there's something I wont ask

See I asked him to have a safe flight
He looked at me so very surprised
He said my mother never wished me that, with a tear in his eye
He hugged me, and said you're one hell of a guy

I walked him to his car
Me with this rock star
What a story so far
Well, I want to get drunk with Slash again
In any Metal bar

Please just rate it here, and buy us another beer.

08-26-2009 at 08:03:41 AM

Re: UPA Forum Challenge


08-26-2009 at 08:24:35 AM

Re: UPA Forum Challenge


08-26-2009 at 08:41:15 AM

Re: UPA Forum Challenge


Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.