Original Poetry Forums


08-08-2009 at 08:45:51 PM
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in the back
back of a
police car -
you know
that your
life is going
to change
from that
moment on

if nothing else -
you will
in a
the seat

08-09-2009 at 10:25:02 AM

Re: handcuffed

H hard and unforgiving
A anger takes another victim
N never intended to allow it to
D do me in like this
C cursed from birth
U unwanted child of hate
F fighting a demon looking
F for fame
E evil's building walls
D denounced a demon's been housed but the devil remains

written in the third person so to speak as if I was the man who tried to kill me in 2002......

Last edited by JadedJezzabel 08-09-2009 at 10:26:23 AM

08-09-2009 at 10:39:07 AM
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....stong case for the destructive power of one single human mind...
guns dont shoot themselves, knives dont stab by black magic, hands dont act robotically.. theya re all controlled by angry minds... one murder, 15 killed , thousands killed in wars..all controlled by one or many angry minds..
anger the worlds worst poison and destructive drug.......................

08-09-2009 at 12:45:17 PM

Re: handcuffed

hand cuffed and poetry free,

like it , lol

08-09-2009 at 02:01:33 PM
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many poems are written about not feeling free ..mostly..in relationships and the handcuffs are not visable....not to feel free in a free country is indeed a form or torture..poetry can set us free form invisable handcuffs.......................im living proof

09-16-2009 at 07:31:02 PM

Re: handcuffed


You say you got some handcuffs on
That only you can see?
But on the loose you carry on
So far as I can see.

You say you think that what you write
Can somehow make you free?
I doubt it, Spike,
Just move on down the pike

‘Cause you ain’t foolin’ me.
Just speak you’re piece into the mike
And make yourself a better life
By speaking honestly.

It ain’t how good that you can write
That’s gonna make you free.
It don’t matter if in black and white
You lay down poetry.

Is what you got comin’ from your mouth
Just plain ol’ bigotry
Or is it like reality
As much as you and me
Can put aside
Our fatal pride
And bring ourselves to see?

Copyright September 16, 2009
Crazy Grampa

smile smile smile smile smile smile

09-16-2009 at 09:35:08 PM
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Crazy Gramps-

I welcome all comments- I truly do.
Like they say in advertising : bad publicity is better than no publicity at all-
so thanks Gramps- however - in your attempt to make things rhyme I think you stuck in a few things there that are not relevant to the original poem or the other comments-
If you would prefer that I switch my words to poems about lost love and spending years on the pity pot because my lover wont talk to me and my life is ruined - I can do that ---
but I wont .

Good night !


09-17-2009 at 08:36:49 AM

Re: handcuffed

Dear PT:

Sorry if I struck some kinda nerve. I wouldn't have you change even one line of what you write & certainly wouldn't recommend your spending any time on anybody's "pity pot".

What the first part of my poem is about is to say simply that so far as I'm concerned, trying to use your "invisible handcuffs" as an excuse for failure in life is simply bogus.

The second part offers the observation that, while poetry writing may be a pleasant thing to do, it's unlikely to cure problems you have in other areas of your life.

The 3rd part notes that it is honesty of speech that ennobles anyone, not writing skill,

The 4th point is that that most harmful of the lies being repeated these days are based on tribal bigotry that human beings should have long ago left behind.

I don't think my poem is relevant to you, but it does represent my take on "unseen handcuffs" and other "truth substitutes". Sorry I offended you!

wink wink wink wink wink

09-17-2009 at 09:06:36 AM
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you did not offend me --

the poem was not that deep -

It was more a poem about " becareful don't want to wind up in the back seat of a police car "......but that's ok if you found deeper meaning in it.

My quest to feel more free in life - is something that is doing wonders for me and I would have to say that poetry and writing and travel and reading and meditating and wanting better health and peace of mind all play a pert in this process .

There is not question - that when a thought gets committed to writing it has more power - and in some cases my poems and stories do act as a GPS giving me direction and I thank ( all of the above ) for the postive effects it has had .

So perhaps to sensed all this in my handcuff poem and for this I commend you in the highest way for your intuition .


09-17-2009 at 09:54:58 AM

Re: handcuffed

We're on the same page after all, PT. I use my writing to exorcise my demons just like you do.

My wife doesn't see it, but I agree with you: to me writing poetry is lot like meditating.

I guess I forgot to tell you, I liked your original poem very much. It's very real. Having at one time toured prisons & jails in many states as a consultant, I may have found more there than you intended, but that's an example of the power that straight forward honest words can have.

Thanks for posting your response, my friend!

cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese

09-17-2009 at 10:58:33 AM

Re: handcuffed

Just curious, PT...are you angry with or about everything, if so, why ? And if not...what doesn't make you angry ?

I hope curiosity doesn't kill this cat...............gogant

09-17-2009 at 11:19:14 AM
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As an American it is my right to question the decision making of our leaders over the past
decade or so which have led us down the path to wars , environmental destruction, and financial collapse -- if that does not make you even the slightest bit " angry " then I'm not sure what would .
If people we not dissatisfied with life where they came from this country would not have
evolved as it did .
So what are the alturnatives :
sit around and say everything is cool , be happy your alive and healty , say I'm just one person - waht can I do about it -- or in between making a living , paying my takes - voice my first ammendment right to free speach and let my feeling be known-
I do write letter to elected officials as well as poetry .
Thankfuly we have this right in America and I intend to use it .
if you want to label it as anger -- feel free - I prefer to think of it as - protest for change
with a stong voice .
I appreciate your comments - I just wrote a poem titled " night to morning "
I was on an Indian Reservation and watched the sun rise . My poetry reaches across many spectrums . Thanks grin

09-17-2009 at 11:26:38 AM
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It was nice participating in the forums as an experiment .
I do not partake in chat for the reasons I see in Forums .
I would rather be writing poetry or placing myself in
situations that stimulate my mind to write poems and prose over these
" face-book " type circular discussions that are not for me .

It was interesting , but distracting from my art of poetry .

I have two new books being published , one a Vietnam War Story ( Novella) and a collection of my Short Stories .

My next book ( 4th ) will be the selected poems I have written in the past 2 years since my first book of prose and poems was published at the start of 2008 . I truly enjoy the art of writing - and publishing and editing is also an adventure and journey .

Bye !

09-17-2009 at 01:06:25 PM

Re: handcuffed

Well, PT you seem to have the same dissatisfaction as every other average Joe. I'm glad to know that you fight hard for some of us, who speak softly and wish for things to be better. Thanks for the up-front reply...you sure don't pussy-foot around. Glad you enjoy the art of writing...I'll have to check out your latest poem...it might be less expensive than your books.
Maybe you might want to check out my latest poem, Flight of the Deer.............???

Good luck--kimosabe

09-17-2009 at 03:18:36 PM
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I'll be glad to look at your poem - but my days of protest are over .
I'm going to commune with nature and find a happy place in my mind and
live there .

I'll leave all the rest to those less qualified than I to deal with .

My war is over - I'm at peace .

09-19-2009 at 12:56:42 PM

Re: handcuffed

I have 30 years on you BD, but at least you're an adult. Seems like lots of kids into this 'poetry' thing. Not sure how this all goes, but if you want to kick around 'stuff',' I'm here. BTW - BD = bad dude.'-) Stryx

09-19-2009 at 03:07:13 PM
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OK-- I began with a comment on your outstanding poem !!!!I think all should read regardless of age !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-28-2009 at 11:59:27 PM

Re: handcuffed


Cold and edgy
whispering delight
stepping to the end of a cliff
ready for a new adventure...unknown, pithy sweet
but filled with creativity

dipped chocolate for a strawberry tease
slinky whip, colored red
playing war games to conquer the soul

no tears, no pain
only excitement held captive
in our dream world of pleasure
toasted, twisted
in these sheets of smooth silk
focusing only on the moment
together...pink handcuffs and all

saltiness to lick off the glass rim
Tequila shots shooting down into our bellies
candles lit, scented air
mixed with the oils of our love


Last edited by Singcanary 09-29-2009 at 03:14:54 PM

09-29-2009 at 06:32:54 AM
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with the effective use of color you transformed what could have been a hard core experience into a playful bedroom game-

nice work

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.