Things AboveTo the third heaven without a liered Jet, to thee third heaven by no other way than an outstrecthed wing of an invisible eagle, to thee third heaven is about thee hightest one can get, or is it go, can one go any further? to thee third heaven as once before thee pure white Dove had desended from once before, to thee third heaven, and when you get back, hold on tightly because it will all seem like make believe. |
Re: Things AboveQuote: Quote:
Originally Posted by kingdomseer To the third heaven without a liered Jet, to thee third heaven by no other way than an outstrecthed wing of an invisible eagle, to thee third heaven is about thee hightest one can get, or is it go, can one go any further? to thee third heaven as once before thee pure white Dove had desended from once before, to thee third heaven, and when you get back, hold on tightly because it will all seem like make believe. Queen A/kingdomseer here on thee American Blue Seas. |
Re: Things AboveGod is Good, God is Great, God is perfect because He, God, never make a misteak, God is Good, God is Great, you can sleep because Thee God that created all things never sleep, God is Good, God is Great, God is thee Greatest above all others, because His, God Almighty, that built thee house, and thee Creator that built thee house is Greater then thee House owner! God is good, God is Great because God created thee Ancient Cities before USA was ever into being, This God that is Good and that is Great, tell thee Agnostic they better take a reality check, because we can go there today litterary, because of thee predestine knowledge that went on before man were and thee seed was placed. |
Re: kingdom things from Heavenkingdom things from heaven, showering down on me, kingdom things from Heaven showing down on me, kingdom things from Heaven showing down on me, yet not for me, yet for all who can receive, this kindom that can't be shaken, this kingdom thats everlasting, this kingdom that's consuming, yet free, that can only stem from thee benefits from thee kindom things inheiritance of Christ kingdom here in this earthly Realm. Kingdom things from heaven showing down on me. |
Re: His GloryWhen His Glory is manifested within you, and what comes with it, is that why thee scripture says that those thats persecuted and said all manner of things toward them are Heaven bond because the Glory of God has rested on this person, just long as you understand that to judge today brings you into condamnation, so be very careful if you see someone beheaded thats declaring that thee kingdom of is come, or that thee one that is coming after him, he is not worthy to tie his shoes, becareful when you see someone hanging between two thieves, and you see his mother crying and his her Son and his getting nailed, becareful not to judge her and say, oh she must have sinned in her life, her baby boy is being nailed to a cross, they are spitting on her Son, it would appear that this child is an discrace to her, becareful how things appear, becareful not to point a finger, she might have been wailing because they were devote Jews, and thee scripture were being fulfilled right in her face, It was her Son but his death was life unto all of us today, this day has come, this life and life more abundantly in this daysprun, this daystar, this morning star that has come. This Gift has made room for all. |
Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.
Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.