Original Poetry Forums

Fix The Rating System

03-11-2009 at 08:37:42 PM

Fix The Rating System

Fix the "Rating System" so that it's always
based from "1 to 10" for everyone
(the half steps are not important),

and if you do not leave a comment then your rating
is dismissed ie. if you do not leave a comment
then you are blocked from rating.

This would eliminate about 90 percent of the frustration
that has formed on this web site.

03-16-2009 at 07:35:08 PM

Re: Fix The Rating System

Hi there,

Ok, has anyone been to

Bands there can not get noticed or payed/played,
if they don't listen to other music/bands.
And the webmaster knows who is and aint.
Try its fun, even as a musiclover you can find new music,
search Kansas City great bands there.

WordSlinger wink

03-19-2009 at 10:55:21 AM

Re: Fix The Rating System

Originally Posted by dahlusion

Fix the "Rating System" so that it's always
based from "1 to 10" for everyone
(the half steps are not important),

and if you do not leave a comment then your rating
is dismissed ie. if you do not leave a comment
then you are blocked from rating.

This would eliminate about 90 percent of the frustration
that has formed on this web site.

We understand this is a problem.

Please stay tuned and you will see an updated feedback and rating system for poems put in place. We are working hard to make the rating system fair for everyone.

03-19-2009 at 01:43:04 PM
  • sk
  • sk
  • Posts: 64

Re: Fix The Rating System

This possible change in the rating system would be so great! I've learned so much more from the comments than I ever could by a number...this would also prevent malicious rating - droppings by fly-bys who just want to damage you, also inconceivable in my mind for a poetry site.

03-25-2009 at 05:15:11 PM

Re: Fix The Rating System

yes!!! please! please! please! we need a new rating system. i think dahlusions idea is a great one! smile

04-01-2009 at 09:13:13 PM

Re: Fix The Rating System

I strongly agree with Dahlusions.

04-02-2009 at 12:02:56 AM

Re: Fix The Rating System

I absolutly agree with Dahlusions and Sk...the rating system needs to be changed. Many good poets have been malicously slammed because of the rating system. Comments need to be included inorder for the rating to be counted. I feel this will weed out the malicious individuals. Serious poets...and individuals who honor the craft will be more than willing to comply with this type of system. smile

Last edited by mgolda22 04-02-2009 at 12:04:37 AM

04-02-2009 at 05:41:26 PM

Re: Fix The Rating System

I agree with making the ratings and comments go hand in hand. No rating without a comment and a name to lay claim to it! ~Sara

Last edited by raggedypoet 04-03-2009 at 02:10:26 AM

04-04-2009 at 05:17:28 PM

Re: Fix The Rating System

Ok here is an idea
You can rate or post without one or the other,
then you have to
do the code CAPTCHA, thing

Last edited by WordSlinger 04-06-2009 at 12:13:10 PM

04-05-2009 at 11:14:09 AM

Re: Fix The Rating System

Slinger....I have the upmost respect for you bro...but...ahhhh...what???? don't understand what you wrote at all.......and i want to because i care about what you have said here and was into it....but you lost me man....

cool hmm

and kansas city does kick some rock and roll ass for sure....


i think you should have to comment to feather and the comment should be set to include the feather rate on auto wink

04-06-2009 at 12:14:13 PM

Re: Fix The Rating System

You have the right idea, that's what I meant
you can't do one or the other.

04-06-2009 at 12:15:36 PM

Re: Fix The Rating System

Originally Posted by dahlusion

Fix the "Rating System" so that it's always
based from "1 to 10" for everyone
(the half steps are not important),

and if you do not leave a comment then your rating
is dismissed ie. if you do not leave a comment
then you are blocked from rating.

This would eliminate about 90 percent of the frustration
that has formed on this web site.

04-07-2009 at 01:13:05 AM

Re: Fix The Rating System

I too agree that something needs to be done with the rating system. I would also like to better understand who judges the contest and what they are looking for. I think people should not be able to rate a poem without leaving a comment to go along with a rating. I'm going to be a better writer if someone leaves a comment with constructive cristisim or critque. Everyone is or should be on this site for the same reason. To put your work out there and let others read to get ideas and better help them become better writers. We aren't here to bash one n other.

04-22-2009 at 08:02:42 PM

Re: Fix The Rating System

Ditto all that stuff, a very good group here. I know I could help someone in some small way. I surely need the help of people who care. ken cool smile

04-22-2009 at 11:04:31 PM

Re: Fix The Rating System

Yes I agree with dahlusion and all of you. As stormimartin mentioned, what the judges are looking for is a definite issue. How can we compete w/o more info on what the criteria is for winning? I am enjoying reading all of the poetry on this site however.

04-30-2009 at 08:33:49 AM

Re: Fix The Rating System

I agree wholeheartedly!!!!!!!!!! I had 4 that were 9's & 10's......then I check no more than an hour later, and EVERY one of them got slashed!!!!! Now, while I don't really care what the 'rating' is........I would very much like to know what this persons' problem was with my writings.........so, if you're too chicken to post a comment........don't rate my poetry! cool grin

05-05-2009 at 06:46:00 AM

Re: Fix The Rating System

simplest and most fair solution is to have a rate and comment rating system in place. where if you rate and comment on somones poem, the poet rated and commented on also rates the comment
it broings the site up a notch by actually having writers review poems on their merits (comment s imply wow!
and good writing, wihch gives the writer no clue as to if the person commenting is just cut and pasting the same comment all over the site without even bothering to read the poems
giving the poet a chance to respond and judge the review as helpful, informative, off base or not applicable
makes it less of the poet feeling that all they are doing is setting up targets for those whose only gole is the weekley competiation, and feels that if they rate a poem above 8 or 9 they are diminishing their chance to be published
the weekly contest gives some folks licence to be cut throat in the rating system as it now flys.
it frustrates me that even the well meening writers in an effort to demand styles andclassical forms out of prople outside their frame of refrence clash with new poets, writers who english id their second or third language
those who write in dialect
and those who still formulate their english in another languages syntax

let a page be set up where everyones stats are visible, times logged into site, number of writers viewed
number and time spent on each poem
number of points allotted to poems(general)
number of comments posted
stats and time of poets reading their poems
stats of points given poets poems
3 of comments on their poems

some writers end up spending much time on their comments, and get frustrated when the person being commented on comes back threatening, upset etc
whwwhere there are those who go begging for a line by line word for word breakdown and critique
and others who just post so friends can read their writings
(if you put a switch on each poem when being submitted that sets the levle of comments desired from none, to moderate to verbose
it might cut down some of the hassle
if somone posts a poem with ratings and comments disabled, they can still recieve comments and ratings through the messaging system
and then they can be proud of their poems collected here and their friends can see them without being influenced by seeing the poems rating and comments around their poem

if you have to rate review and be rated back several poems before you post a new one
it would make this site more cohesive
rate and comment on four poems, and then you get to post one poem
for a free membership site this would be fair

reading through many poets as they first join up and often seeing their first postings i would rather encourage them to post, and read, learn and post more
when a well meening member has a policy only to rate a 10 to somthing pristine and perfect in their point of view, there ends up with a lot of frustration
and no understanding
when a well meaning writer hangs a general comment on my home page that what i have is science fiction and not poetry i can only surmise that a few recipients of similar comments left the site in pure frustration.
i wrote back and explained my perception, and a dialogue devoloped, ( where i would rather be reading poems instead of answering mail
when i am asked why i am here with juviniles, i can only shake my head there is a censorship that arrogance lends itself not to the new, not to the current
and seeks a mythical good all days when language was standardised. when poets stop creating new forms, new words, putting timeless human emotions, perspectives in contempory dialects, language is dead, and we look back to another times writings,(that were new then) and condem anything that differs to the subscribed norm...
i place them (hopefully) with the 19 century scientests who sai discovered

or the chineese philosophers who declaired that all possible combinations of the five notes have been played there can never be any new music

through poetry, prose and emotional scenarios our times are defiend by writers heartbeats, cognizance personal reaction

long live all poets, and please, if you write in more than one language do so here. no matter your age gender, or any way we humans choose to differientate ourselves
"If I had to define humanity, it would be somwhere between music and poetry... you choose, i will celebrate
(late night observations from a poet sitting in the center of alaska)

05-05-2009 at 06:48:35 AM

Re: Fix The Rating System

read my typo blues (grinz,, then rate my typoetry and typrose

05-05-2009 at 02:55:14 PM

Re: Fix The Rating System

I agree with stormimartin. I need the feedback it really helps. smile

05-19-2009 at 11:00:33 AM

Re: Fix The Rating System


05-19-2009 at 11:22:02 AM

Re: Fix The Rating System

Has the dag-gum rating system been fixed yet? If not, in the old saying of Martin Lawrence "what da prahlem is" question excaim

05-20-2009 at 05:25:38 PM

Re: Fix The Rating System

I agree that, if you rate a poem, then you should have to leave a comment. However, having a one hundred word comment minimum is exessive. That means that many of the comments will be longer than the poem being commented on. This will, undoubtedly, drastically reduce the number of reviews or encourage redundancy. It seems counterproductive.

Last edited by Grito 05-20-2009 at 05:26:38 PM

05-20-2009 at 09:09:08 PM

Re: Re: Fix The Rating System

Originally Posted by Grito

I agree that, if you rate a poem, then you should have to leave a comment. However, having a one hundred word comment minimum is exessive. That means that many of the comments will be longer than the poem being commented on. This will, undoubtedly, drastically reduce the number of reviews or encourage redundancy. It seems counterproductive.

It is 100 characters not words! I don't think that is too much but were always open to sugestions grin

05-20-2009 at 10:14:16 PM

Re: Fix The Rating System

Well if it were mine to suggest.

First get rid of the current rating system. It certainly sets itself up for misanthropes to do harm.

Second make posting poems more interactive if someone thinks their poem is fine then fine its done and made. But I'd like to suggest that you allow people to post works in progress and open up the work for advice in forming what they are trying to make. I know I have an allusion or two that was only formed after talking to friends... or was that an illusion to.

Third make a different process for submitting poetry to be judged. have the poetry have to be nominated by two different people. This would generate (hoepfully) that real people would step up and nominate what they believe to be good poetry.

And lastly have people rate the poem based on several question areas rather than numerical value up front. It's a computer the numbers can be calculated behind the screen and anomolous values should get ironed out (rather than say they fail the standard deviation test) giving a good judgement of the poetry.

Appologies if I've stepped into a veritable cow patty and I don't mean this as criticism of the site or forum. I find this site to be facinating. It's like people watching except you hear thier thoughts as they go by.

05-22-2009 at 05:02:48 PM

Re: Fix The Rating System

Liking the new rating system!!

Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.