how many poems should a poet write?Hi OP webizens, Last edited by castlemist 06-26-2009 at 06:11:02 PM |
Re: how many poems should a poet write?About as many as a woodchuck coul chuck...Hehe... |
Re: how many poems should a poet write?I write however many come to me... If I do 1 in a month, oh well, same as if I do 10 in a month... it depends on how many come to me. actually "sitting down to write" with a clean sheet of paper [drafts are always on real paper with think ink!] and no ideas prior is a new idea. |
Re: how many poems should a poet write?I also lose quite a lot of poems, even though I carry a notebook around in case one comes to me. I just can't always write when I am on the clock or I'm doing the mom thing, however. My job is mundane, so most of my poems come to me there, because it rests my mind and allows me the clarity to write better. The business of my lifestyle is very distracting to me, which is a major obstruction. Often, a poem will come to me, and I'll obsess about it to try and remember it until I can write it down. If I can't, I lose it. If I try to write it after that, it tends to come out disjointed. My recent poems reflect that, as I haven't really been taking advantage of 'down time'. |
Re: how many poems should a poet write?I write when I feel I have a story to tell. Many times I'll write down a line that I think is good and sometimes forget about it. Then, I'll find it at a later date and it clicks. I remember writing A Poem Never Told. It started on my way to work. I jotted down a couple of verses at work, and finished it that night. Some have taken up to a month. ( I have one I've been working on since March. ) I guess what I'm trying to say is, it doesn't matter how many poems you write. What matters is what you put into it. That's what keeps people reading what you write. |
Re: how many poems should a poet write?I believe it depends on the circumstance and your surroundings. I write more when I'm alone, but lately I've been so busy that I haven't stopped. I also see it now as sort of broadcasting, so am I writing something newsworthy, or can others relate with this. You got to be in the right state of mind, whatever it is. We all have our own cup of tea. Last edited by hippideeth 06-27-2009 at 09:02:28 AM |
Re: how many poems should a poet write?Most of my poems have been generated from a dream I had in the middle of the night or from words that have come so fast I could hardly write fast enough to keep up. They just come; sometimes when I am going through things and other times I too have had to pull over to capture them before they are lost. Some times, I have to scramble for a piece of paper to write thoughts down and then develop the thought or thoughts into a poem later when I have more time. I always go back and edit for form, structure and flow. There are times I have spent months on a poem before I am finished. Then there have been times I have gone years without writing anything of substance. |
Re: how many poems should a poet write? From my own personal experience with writing poetry or other forms of creative writing, |
Re: how many poems should a poet write?I used to just write poems to sort out the emotional clutter in my head. As I grew older I found I could pin point on a single idea or even word and fuse the words together. As I grew in years my need for writing had helped me survive alot in my life and it became my window to the world I lived in. All the emotions and the views I had in life or everything for that mattered was flown on to the paper. I have gotten inspiration from anything from a simple list of words, to candle light to just a single word or idea Even a deck of playing cards. Now I know that it's almost so easy to write about things that Its almost like breathing. Although I have lived 38 years in this world I have found I have alot to say to everyone, maybe its due to my extroverted persona or just being me. The only real peace I have found was in my work and my words that I manage to scratch on the screen. I have written for a good long time but even if your a starter or a an old vet know what ever you are let this talent work with you and don't force what you know will come soon. I have written thing in less then 20 minutes and some times I have waited weeks for a poem. Either way it a work in progress let it flow like anything from you. Don't fight it don't resist it don't even force it just let it flow from you for thats when you can see your best work and find the most gratification. |
Re: how many poems should a poet write?It is the reponsiblity of the would be poet to write as many poems as is given him or her the creative unction by the resident muse. Anything less is misapropriation of the giftings. Anything more is borders on willful intent to actually function as a poet. The more appearant the effort, the greater the likelyhood of carrying the label POET. |
Re: how many poems should a poet write?I never realized before that a poet is many things, a musician, a painter, a song write, a writer etc... Poets come in many colors, shapes, and sounds. |
Re: how many poems should a poet write?I write because I must. Life is made so complicated by people-yet is so simple. A poet can never write too much. If anything, they get stagnant, I suppose for the simple reason, that words fail to be deep enough. |
Re: how many poems should a poet write? Just like any one else, it is best to jot down notes and ideas and if the time and situations permit, I suggest that you sit down and write there and then so that the flow of thought will not be cut. |
Re: how many poems should a poet write?I believe we should write as many as there are in us. I don't believe we should chase a number, that would affect the quality. I probably have written less than anyone. I don't press myself I just let it come to me. The majority of my poems have come to me at night. A number have escaped me because I couldn't write them down and I couldn't remember the words later on. There are more poems in some than others. We are not equal. The only equality we should seek should be in the quality of our poems. |
Re: how many poems should a poet write?as many good ones as possible! |
Re: how many poems should a poet write?I appreciate everyone's input...you processes and thoughts on it are truly interesting. |
Re: how many poems should a poet write?Good question. Well as many poems as you can think of and comfortably have the downtime to write. Not to mention that I have even wrote poem ideas, partial lines, a setting for a poem while working. For instance my "4 Boys" poem was conceived when I monitored students serving detention in a classroom after school. You cannot tell that by the poem. Others which are not all posted here on OP, came about because I remodeled rooms in my house. Some were fantasy characters I made up after having watched a movie or read a book or read classic poetry. |
Re: how many poems should a poet write?6 |
Re: Re: how many poems should a poet write?Quote: Originally Posted by NevillePark It is the reponsiblity of the would be poet to write as many poems as is given him or her the creative unction by the resident muse. Anything less is misapropriation of the giftings. Anything more is borders on willful intent to actually function as a poet. The more appearant the effort, the greater the likelyhood of carrying the label POET. - from the National Constabulary of Persons In Prose This pinpoints and exactly answers the question without designating number or hours (time and quantity is a weak illusion of life anyway). I am generally driven or inspired either extrinsically or intrinsically. I don't have any particualr style but I do like the rythme of the rhymes and this dominates most of my writing. I usually can put a fairly decent piece together in less than one hour (often times 10-15 minutes). Writing creatively is a great release from professional and technical writing. If you read some of my 'stuff' please comment- you have a brillant mind. |
Re: how many poems should a poet write?Quote: I am generally driven or inspired either extrinsically or intrinsically. What? As opposed to....? lol |
RE: Re: how many poems should a poet write?Quote: I was thinking it was more like as many as a groundhog could hog... |
RE: how many poems should a poet write?Hi Castlemist - great question/topic. |
RE: how many poems should a poet write?It's not about how many any one writes, it's about writing period. As we all can probably agree writing can be a very personal experience, much like getting a tattoo, you can't have just one. |
RE: how many poems should a poet write?The question is a good one but hard to answer. It's like asking"how much should it rain today?" Of course the only correct answer is "The right amount" which gives you the perfect answer but has not said anything. Poetry, it seems ,to me anyway, depends upon the size of your souls outlet. Some people seem to have a ripped one and stand under a virtual waterfall while others, people like me have to sit patiently by a seeping spring. If I try to dip out of my small pool too quickly the water becomes muddy and I must wait for it to settle and become clear again. I have written many a muddy piece that settles in time as I edit out the twigs and dead leaves. Nonetheless, it is my spring and it is a waste of time for me to covet yours. I will do with it what I can. |
RE: how many poems should a poet write?A poet should write as many poems as he/she wishes...for that is a poets words and poets are full of words and like to be heard (well, this poet likes to be heard lol). Just as age is just a number in regards to relationships a number is just a number in regards to peoms...and that number dose not matter!!! |
Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.
T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.