Original Poetry Forums

Helium Ballon Day Release for OP

06-25-2009 at 06:00:11 PM

Helium Ballon Day Release for OP

Ok this is cool I did this when I was 5 at school.

We pick a day we all do this. Get a ballon attach or your web address in it, and at the bottom.
Asking the finder to go to your web site, and tell ya how far it went.
And reward them in some way.

Because helium is lighter than air...it will float as high as 5 milles UP because the air will became more dense .
Now, the wind will carried the balloom forward for as long as the wind is blowing...
There are two factors : if the sun is hot...the helium inside the balloom will heat and pop, or the helium will heat up and go down to the ground because it will become heavier than air.

My aunte found one once that was released by a Girl Scout troop about 340 miles away. It was several years old when she found it. It had contact information attached to it so shesent them a letter. They sent her 2 boxes of cookies in the mail. I thought that was bad ass
But there are Rules.
Tell me what ya'll think, lol

NOTIFY (not ask) the FAA at the local airport of the date and time of release. If you ask permission, you will wind up in months of red tape over something they have no control. Treb assured me that there were no laws that would prohibit us..................

Me and my ideas huh, see I love you folks, lol...............
Maybe the day should be on the OP Book release date.???

Last edited by WordSlinger 06-26-2009 at 02:51:35 PM

10-27-2009 at 08:46:42 PM

Helium Ballon Day Release for OP Book

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.