Forsaken and Undead


Poem Commentary

Just a little note to let you know what I've been up too.

Forsaken and Undead

I know of the things that go bump in the night
I know of the things that give you such fright

Each night as you go sleeping
those thoughts they come creeping
things only seen on the vivid big screen
death and decay is all you have seen

You wish you could just stay awake
but you know full well that would be a bigger mistake
for in your dreams no one really gets hurt
but while awake they would be face first in the dirt

These thoughts that go through your head
are put there by me, Forsaken and Undead
I love to toy with your mind
and making others pay, one at a time

Killing two birds with one stone
I use you to get my work done
you are my puppet I hold on a string
doing my bidding as I sit back and watch everything


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If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

vampira1665’s Poems (8)

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