Final Battle?


Poem Commentary

I wrote this poem when I found out that I'm rejecting my last kidney transplant. I recently had a son March 13, 2009 so it make me reflect on life! Enjoy

Final Battle?

The news is grim and yet I still smile
I pray to God I last just a little more while
Constantly fighting to wake another day
My soul is weary on what they say

This should be my last chance at life
To bad I will leave this world without a wife
Letting my family to ponder all the unanswered questions
My body is getting filled with infections

They cry when they heard the news
Yet I smile and hide my own blues
I need to stay strong and keep my faith in God
Never bowing down to hear my applaud

Taking the negative and making the best
My heart is good as it pumps in my chest
No one knows when our exact time will appear
So I will never give up and shed a tear

As long as I know I gave it my all
I will wear a smile when God gives me a call
To be at one and free of my pain
Helping pour out the November rain

Watching over my son as he grows into a little boy
Weeping eyes for the lost joy
Only able to watch my son grow
Not being able to touch him his my toll

Yet he knows daddy is always near
Calling upon me with all his fears
I will wrap my arms around you and shield you from all the bad
You make daddy so glad

I love you my son and I hope I am here on Earth for years
So I can wipe away all your tears!
I love you my precious baby
So my prayers God hears is a maybe
And these treatments will work to buy me some more time
Remember you are what makes daddy's life shine!

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girlwriter commented on Final Battle?


You made me cry. Always life with that hope that God can work a miracle

XxTrueLovexX commented on Final Battle?


i love this. it makes me cry,,,, this is my all time fav poem... you are truly gifted with litteracy.... great job.... it is sooo moving and gental... i may not know you but you are very near and dear to my heart... you are one of my insperations now.. thank you and live it up... in my prayrs..( =

ladynight commented on Final Battle?


that was so moving and sad. i couldn't get to the end without tearing up. i can't imagine what you're going through. but i hope everything works out for you.

cmlestrade commented on Final Battle?


This is so poignant, so beautiful. I am sorry to hear the news about your kidney but it ain't over till it's over. Please know that I will keep you in prayer.

jmschwartz commented on Final Battle?


just beautiful. your son will be very proud to read this. am very sorry to hear of the results. wish i could help

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

cowboyup1824’s Poems (38)

Title Comments
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Fallen Angel 0