

  • Emotional


    Life has been somewhat cruel and unfair;
    So much so its hard to share.

    The Hopes and dreams of Life many pleasures;
    With the love that is suppose to last forever.

    The pain and sorrow will sometime go away;
    But the emptiness is always here to stay.

    To fill the void deep in your soul;
    Waiting for these feelings to unfold.

    Its hard to pickup here life left off;
    Until you find someone tender and soft.

    Your in my heart and in my mind;
    With caring thoughts that are hard to find.

    You have made me feel so good inside;
    So much so that it is hard to hide.

    Just like a cool summers breeze;
    The happiness I feel is hard to believe.

    So I will treasure our time together;
    To keep it special for now and forever.

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    Wakeitha commented on Feelings


    Beautiful poem, word are unexplaniable. The words put tears in your eyes especially if you going throught this. Keep written, I will love to read more of your poems.



    you are way to kind, if you don't mind can I ask your name, mary here. Tears come to my eyes too

    In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

    Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

    mlbsweets’s Poems (13)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    "Mom" 0
    "Precious Moments? 0
    "Second Chance" 1
    "Father" 0
    "This Night" 0
    "Just You!" 0
    Friendship 0
    Just you! 1
    “The Emptiness of Love” 0
    "Thoughts of you" 0
    Feelings 1
    "Friends" 0
    "Happiness" 2