

  • Other


    Love is horrible
    it makes you feel like crap
    you want to just drop to the floor and die....
    you wake to another day
    and that just kicks you in the groin
    You don't know up from down
    or right from left.
    Your mind plays tricks on you
    You think when the phone rings
    its them
    Or you hear someones voice
    And it has to be your lovers...
    ITS NOT!!
    And when you relize it....
    You dont know what took your still beating heart
    from your chest and stomped on it...
    You cry for days
    Lose of an appetite
    Moaning over someone YOU thought was worth while
    But they arent....
    Cause honestly where are they now?
    Some one or something has stopped your love,
    And its not coming back
    You may say...
    "God, why me? why am I always
    left out in the pouring rain?"
    Its because love is like that....
    When everything is perfect,
    and you feel great...
    there comes the other person,
    or I think its not working...
    Im leaving,
    Or how about the great one....
    "Its not you, its me"
    Of course its us....
    that line is over with...
    Find a fucking better one!
    Loves a bitch and then we just die.

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    peacefully commented on Emotastic


    I was feeling your pain and frustration until I got to the last four lines.

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Pezzy11’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    I Hate part 2 0
    I hate.........
    Emotastic 1
    Unknown 0
    untitled 0
    Not Usable!! 0
    Dream Cutters 0
    My Love 0