Do you love you?


  • Love

    Do you love you?

    Where is love?
    What is love?
    Who is love?
    Am I loved?

    Who can tell me?
    What can they tell me?
    What does love have to do with me?

    I already love me.

    Do you love you?

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    RHPeat commented on Do you love you?


    Please Leave An Application// I think he does/ but he's not here right now.// He was here yesterday/ but he had to leave on urgent/ business today in a rush.// He keeps his cell phone in his pocket, maybe call him.// Well he uses Mr. a lot but/ I think he'll answer to:/ Hey you over there.// At times you just have to figure/ out the right answers for yourself.// ---------------- I'm sure he'd love to talk to you/ about your work experience.// I'm not sure anyone has any / real answers, maybe questions/ are far more important. // If you fill out your application/ we can get back to you.// ----------------- We're glad to hear you feel/ good about yourself; it's/ a requirement for the position.// -------------- I'm sure there will be time for/ open interview in a few days// ======== A poet friend//RH peat

    CHURV commented on Do you love you?


    i wish your questions had answers, shows potentail

    dahlusion commented on Do you love you?


    as for me, I am a lousy lover because I give and never take.

    In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

    Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

    smilesdaily’s Poems (3)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Do you love you? 3
    So here we are again 2
    The Final Break Up 5

    smilesdaily’s Friends (2)