


Derry is calling me

Hill after hill

Cool crisp mornings

The sun, the sun breaks through

Pain gave way to hope

River foyle has seen it all

And the walls they know

Bogside, Waterside

Time to live, get on

Kids running playing

Remember don't forget, but go back

It's done, been done, a new day

Hope, hope for us all

Courageous souls lighting the way

Tom, Kevin, Will

Pain more pain, their eyes have seen

Living, loving through it all

Death came calling, hate not far behind

Put on down, see past it all

There is hope in Derry

Hope for us all

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To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

davedinning’s Poems (10)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Moijo 1
Derry 0
Act 1 3
The real magic dragon 0
A rainy day 0
Man 0
US of A 0
Gods wine 3
The soul of a poet 2
54 or what happened to us 3