Dear Mom and Dad I Promise


  • Life
  • ,
  • Emotional
    • Paint
    • is doin some Solitary Thinkin-- Lee Ann Womack

    Dear Mom and Dad I Promise

    Today I went to a funeral
    of a kid that I once knew
    kind, loving, and caring
    someone everybody knew

    I looked at all the people
    how sad it was to see
    the mom, the dad, and siblings
    it left me pretty weak

    It made me stop and think
    how wrong that picture was
    two parents shedding tears
    The worst of all their fears

    Burying a child
    Must be the hardest thing to do
    to know they couldn't live
    not what any parent would choose

    So thinking about all that
    I want to make a promise
    I wrote it in a letter
    It starts Dear Mom and Dad

    I promise I'll do everything
    to take good care of me
    so when you leave this earth
    I'll be one of last ones that you see.

    When I go to start my car
    I will always buckle up
    driving down the road
    always looking up.

    Dear Mom and Dad I promise
    to always look both ways
    I'll heed your every word
    I'll live them everyday

    I'll do everything I can
    and pray it goes as planned
    But if something were to happen
    Know this 'bout who I am.

    I try my best at everything
    to always make you proud
    I love you both so much
    I know I don't say it enough.

    You don't have to wonder
    about the decisions that I make
    I remember all your words
    Your advice I always take

    I love it when it rains
    Fall is my favorite time of year
    I like to paint and sketch
    and my birthday every year.

    This is what I promise
    This is what I plan
    But if God chooses to take me
    Don't worry I'll see you once again.

    Poem Comments


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    MsVee commented on Dear Mom and Dad I Promise


    Very nice, It would be great if all children made this promis to their parents... Keep up the great work!!!

    tierra7 commented on Dear Mom and Dad I Promise


    this deserves a 10......................................................T-7

    tierra7 commented on Dear Mom and Dad I Promise


    ~sigh~ Heart Tugger...tears rolled down from start to i read this...soooo sad but very well much heart in every word, i admire and respect you,.... i walk away with tear stain cheeks..T-7

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    Paint’s Poems (43)

    Title Comments
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    The Night I Shot Cupid 3
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    Tablet of Truth 1
    Dear Mom and Dad I Promise 3
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