


i thought you were done with me

i thought we both said our share of hurtful thoughts

i thought

i knew you were immovable you stubborn old thing

yes you died and i cried for the hopelessness you faced

for you could not face people of pain

you were not accepting

you must have felt betrayed by the universe in your ending days

i cried but i cried little

you left little in me to pity you in your old days

to come running after you to see how you fared

yes you were surrounded

by those loved by you

and this conversation never happened

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lessliketharest commented on conversation


mmm loving this darkness and unusual apathy for the situation - also the unforgiving cynicism is such a deep feeling that most people would consider cruel - but I definitely understand the lack of pity.....perfect conversation only in your mind/



thanks. I was not sure whether i ought to have aired this piece of dirty laundry. And the conversation i have never had is something i will be taking to my grave. This piece is one of the most personal things i have yet to commit to print. i do not look for approval in my unforgiveness, but it's not something i dwell on in any regularity at all. It's an uncompromising stand i had to take, otherwise i don't i could face myself in the mirror every day. It's the gratitude i sort of tried showing, got no recognition, made a decision, and got marked for life. it happens. i somehow had to move-on, not sure if i have completely moved on though. may be the last laugh is really on me.

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

altun’s Poems (6)

Title Comments
Title Comments
shy were we 0
eyes of thine 0
truly 2
debt 2
conversation 1
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