

  • Political


    Conscription, Conscription, Conscription,

    See no evil! Hear no evil! Speak no evil!
    Today, I'm going to eradicate this code,
    Because my electrical neurons are exploding
    And the impulses are sending out strong signals.
    I had a revelation this morning
    And, even though I'll spit no rhymes,
    I have to bring it forth, before it's too late,
    Before my sensors go dormant again.

    Conscription in the USA, just like in Angola --
    The Angola of Savimbi and Dos Santos!
    Recruiters running the streets in the inner cities looking for ponds --
    To market their plan. Yes, they got a plan!
    They tell you they got a plan for you:
    They're going to send you to college
    If you just sign here!
    They got a plan for you! Yes! They want you!
    To play in their game of war on the world!
    How are they going to send you to college when the syllabus
    Used in your school is so poor that
    You will need four years of remedial just to
    Pass your SAT entrance exam?

    In the eyes of the militarists our children are expendable.
    The war machine can hide them when they come home,
    Crippled, burned or, even worse, dead!
    Yes, they got a plan for you! Who? The militarists!
    Yes, they hide you when you come home in a nailed pine box!
    How? Through news s-i-l-e-n-c-e.
    You see, it's a Federal crime in the USA to photograph
    The coffins as they arrive home for distribution.
    They don't want to upset us, by letting us see the reality.
    You know, a picture is worth ten thousand words.
    Your dead children delivered to you, one by one,

    wrapped in stars and stripes!

    By Lydia A. Allotey

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    TwistedAce commented on Conscription


    Although I'm in no way politically active, I believe you are entirely correct and sadly we are the minorities in our conclusions. The military is advertising more than Geico and is growing ever more popular year by year. Touche'

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

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