A Daughter's Love


  • Family

    A Daughter's Love

    Like having the same love for your mother as when you were first put into her arms
    Needy and unaware of independnece
    Before she first told you couldn’t go play with your friends
    Before she made you eat your spinach
    Before she made you brush your hair and your teeth
    Before she made you go to bed a nine o clock
    Before she told you that you were too young to have a boyfriend
    Before she wouldn’t allow you to come home at midnight
    Before she made you call her when you went out
    Before you always thought she just thought she’d never understand
    Before you blamed her for all your problems
    Before you realized how to make her cry
    Before it was nothing to look in her face and lie
    Before you stopped being scared of what she thought
    Before you thought you could do everything on your own
    Before you forgot how to ask for help
    Before you just had to learn for yourself
    Now you know you only get one
    They do the best with what they know
    With what came before you and with what you may never know
    Now it’s time to live for you
    To Love being your mother’s daughter
    But knowing you have to become more
    To let go of the past that created you
    And walk into the new world to wear the label your about to create yourself

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    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Alica1623’s Poems (4)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    For Sylvia 2
    Happily Never After 1
    My Surrender 3
    A Daughter's Love 0