3*27*09 --- to my husband


  • Love

    3*27*09 --- to my husband

    this day has been the happyiest day of my life
    it was the day i met you
     my darlyin angel 
    the love of my life
     my beautiful husband
    this day was a sunny day of a breeze friday morning 
    i was excited to go to school all day was a rush in waiting to finally
    see if you had came and you
    you look as pretty as roses 
    and you smelled as good as fresh flowers picked from the garden 
    my eyes where mesmerized by the way you smile 
    as i waited you walked away thinking something but i didnt know what it was 
    as school ended and i waited for you as usually as  i do 
    the day had not ended when we went the park and sat down at that moment  when i sat down wit you i felt free like nothin could tear me part from you on this very special day
    this day you make me luagh and love me inside just the way i was 
    what made my day even better was when you asked me out
    my eye grew bigger and my heart beated faster
    and my cheeks got red and i got nervous
    and all you did was smile when i said yes 
    that smile was the happyiest moment in my life 
    i had so much fun with you and right on that day 
    i fell deeply in love with you and i still love you now
     my darylin angel 
    the love of my life 
    my beautiful husband

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    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    cherryiibaybee’s Poems (4)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    was today lost tommorrow 0
    love to hate 0
    3*27*09 --- to my husband 0
    i love you 0