" Angel In My Life "


" Angel In My Life "

                                   Lord, you've always been with me.
                               From the very beginning, you touched My Life
                                                when I was just a Babe

                                I Thank you, Cause, over the years
                               through it all,
you stayed.  You've been
                               My Teacher, Confidant
and Friend.
                             Without you, Id Be Lost, with no direction
                                                   in a World of Sin.

      Lord, You're the Most Powerful, of Anything
I've ever known.  I am Amazed, by the
 Strength, and Courage  you've shown.

     Throughout time, trials and tribulations have
      come.  But, you've been by my side, from above
         carrying me on the wings of a Dove, with 
 Understanding and Unconditional Love.

You're My Inspiration, through all my
suffering, pain and strife.  I Love You, Lord

Angel In My Life................

Flower Girl/pmt (c) 2010

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Dayowrites commented on " Angel In My Life "


Truly it is God who has been our support and shield through the journey of life. May we continue to enjoy the goodness of the Lord.

SILKYTWEED commented on " Angel In My Life "


Well, well dearest FlowerGirl...isn't it amazing to find that what we have inside of us is the pure goodness we recognize all around us...thanks for sharing, your true seeing eye....Much Love...(winks)



Wow! Silkytweed! It's Amazing, how You say few words, yet the Meaning behind what your saying, Have So Much Depth and Substance. love it, when you're sharing what's in the Heart of you. Respectfully Speaking, "Truly" is The Best Part of You.......We ALL Need Encouragement, in Life, Recognition, Patience, Understanding, and Love. And, I Truly Believe, that words have Power, and God's Words are Powerful! Therefore; may we Always Try & Remember to Speak Words Of Kindness, and Love in the hope of Helping One Another, & if we should fall short, may we Remember, to ask Forgiveness, as we should have a willing Heart to Forgive another!!!! May you continue to Be Blessing............ Smile Flower Girl LOL

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.