Read to enjoy, because no one is coming here often
Held Captive
Yet, you are a single black woman with a child to care for
You ask yourself, what is wrong with the black men
Why can’t you seem to win one of their hearts?
To take just one home
And have him be my own
You wonder and wonder and I will tell you why
You remember back at a time when you were feeling low
Before the child, car and house
You had been scared by a man that ,you thought, did not care for you
By that man who use to think the world of you
But before then you fell in this hole
Thinking that you where on your own
Along came the very thing that you prayed for
It was disguised as a black man, who extended his hand to pull you from your ensnarement
Looking down into your teary eyes, he said, Surrender to me and I will pull you out.
Quickly you retracted your hands, cause you just knew this man’s plan to have power over you
You just knew what this man is all about
Knowing that in time, you would find a way to get out of this hole and you know that you could make it on your own
Now you are thinking about two things instead of one
You are looking the answer to your prayers in the eyes, and yet you still cry “how do I get out of here”?
Making a plan to leave this hole could take you longer than surrendering would, I could supply my hand and show that I have strength in my mind and he has physical strength to put me in a place where I want to be
The hole for many single and divorced black women is the cell they provide and furnish for themselves.
The job, where most people respect them
The high-end luxury mobile, they drive to tell the world that they have arrived at successes door
The nice house they had built to their specifications
And the education
And.. no.. one to share the memories of all these great occasions, and accomplishments with but your girlfriends
They are the only ones that you have had time for during your exploration of you, now they have their wish and you are in this hole
Looking at the man who holds his arms out, not to smother you or hurt you, but embrace you once you are on the same plane, out of the hole
Now you may see that you are holding yourself captive, over one word,