Original Poetry Forums

Well I guess I will be going here soon.

03-15-2011 at 10:32:50 AM

Well I guess I will be going here soon.

I have thought alot about this over the last couple of days and I think this is the best thing for me. In the 2 and a half years I have been here I have done alot of things. Talk to a wide range of poets and for the most part, shared my work with everyone here. I have always tried to be fair and up front about everything. This Site granted me a great many of things. A chance to be a leader. A place to experiment with my own craft. And a way to get exposure for poems like God Is... And Emtional Storm. Both of which I think best describes me and my truest out look in life. I will also be remembered for wiping my monitor clean. Having a sticky key board and finally gotta love those pudgy hands. Miget porn all the way!!!! Those that had any exposure to me in the chat room would have seen these exsamples from time to time. I had met up with a woman on here UPSLady and I am still living with her. Traveled 2700 miles to meet her but hey I had nothing going on back in Oregon. All these things I have done or have been influence because of this site. I had a chance to have my poem win a weekly contest and be placed in an anthology. Yes I guess you could say I been a busy boy. If you can't, I will say it then Ha Ha. Yet even though this site has brought me so much I don't see why it does some of the things it does and it gives no reasoning for its action. Its like they are locked away and let the lunitic run the asylem. They don't take on any responsibility in matters of insulting or harrassing and I am sick f the matter. I tried to show poets that in order to be effective in our work and our goal to be published its better tht we stck together. Some of you decided to do that thus UPA was born. I found out of all the time here that was my best accomplishment. I am so proud of the fact we worked together to challenge each other to do our best. Poems Like The Sign and Slow Poke Rodegize would never been made without those challenges.I want to thank you poets that helped form the poet I am today and I will always have a place in my heart for you. I have had arguements and out right name calling insulting matches. Yet in retrospect it taught me that tolerence among my own will allow me to not only be a better poet but have a greater understanding of my fellow man. That was the best lesson here. I will be gradually taking my poems down and then dissappear for good. I have been offered other places to go and thinking about it but I doubt there is any reason to stay here. I will miss all of you and your work but I am not going to miss the mug slinging and the insults that seem to invade this site over and over. I think we show others who we are and how we act towards others. I don't wish to show them that side of me because in the end I don't think it helps anyone in the end it is hurtful and mallious. I have one thing to do here. To let you know I have been working on a book and I hope with some luck it would be picked up by a publication. Details are being hammered out and will know something very soon. This is the greatest goal to be published its a life long dream that I wish to do. Not because its a feather in my hat not because I think it will bring me fame or riches. Plainly its because I have something to say and I have the right to say it. I feel we all have things to say but sometimes out emotions and our egos detur our message. Out of all poetry I think that the core reason for writing beware of what illusions you create in your readers mind because in reality you were the one that planted that idea thier. Like any farmers beware of the crop you plant. Will they benifit people or will they harm them in the end. Plot121 AKA Robert... blank stare

Last edited by Plot121 03-15-2011 at 10:42:34 AM

03-15-2011 at 12:13:22 PM

RE: Well I guess I will be going here soon.

Say it isn't true,scooby doo...i have enjoyed your flavor, though I have been suspiciously quiet until now. Pleeezzee ddon't go!!!!! It just seems like everyone is leaving. Who wlll I read about or talk to? The teeny boppers who think they know so much more than we do, that have infiltrated the OP.. (Not those few who are mature enough to admit they are not god's gift to the adult world.) Please, take me with you! mandi


To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)