Original Poetry Forums

Hear Me Out

03-08-2011 at 09:58:33 AM

Hear Me Out

Most of you know me and my work.Some of you call me friend a few of you call me a sarcastic loud mouth poet. Then there are others that just tolerate me. All and all I think over the time I have been around I have made one impression to almost everyone good or bad. I have gotten myself in some misunderstandings with few poets and I have even gotten into some serious disagreements with a few. I have had my poems tainted with bad rating for revenge purposes and had a few bad comments because the people just did not see things the way I did. I was once attacked and villinfide for my outspoken nature. All and all I can honestly say I been there and done most of it since I been on this site. So few poeple can say the same and although my choices in several matters have been questioned to say the least I have found that carving my own way here has been the best for me. The reason I say these things is to give a background of me. also to give you an insight on my views of you as Poets, this site, the onslaught of insults and mud slinging that has infected this site from as long as I been here. I am not talking about any single spout between one person or a set of indivisuals. I think over time this Site has endured quite alot of bickering. The Subjects some time differ, but the people that seem to stress thier emotional tantram always changes.I too have added to this rant of discomfort and I am glad to say I want really no more of it. I find the whole process to be degrading and, disrespectful and repressive to say the least. So when I was asked to help quall a issue with some poets here. I was happy to help and. After reading the over whelming distasteful comments between the two parties. I decided to tell the parties to just discontinue insulting each other and start to talk one on one with someone both parties can trust to retify and terminate this hurtful dialoge. I was told I missed the ball completely and that I had to guess what one party wanted to hear before any peace would be made. I felt disenchanted to say the least and walked away from the whole mess when I saw both Parties still playing the he said she said they said game. I have no need to stress my self out with such matters and I don't feel that any energy proving one side is wrong and one side is right is going to vindicate any hurtful things that were said because of bruised personal egos. I have read a number of poets at this site and I enjoyed a great many of them I have seen poets start here and grow by leaps and bounds because other poets take time to give thier own insite on thier work. Such fellowship between peers has made it possible to stay here even through the bickering is a constant. I feel this interaction alone is the best reason and the most tangable evidence for us to save this site together. Yet we all got to pull together to save what we enjoy and love. WE MUST SEE PASSED OUR BICKERING AND WORK TOGETHER!! I heard OP is going through some problems and I heard of its demise. I have personally wrote OP with no response as of late. Either they don't wish to respond or they feel that the whole matter is not importain enough for them to deem themselves to talk to us poets. They speak about creating a book and a place where poets can not only come together profit from thier work. They Issue a book out and then because of lack of profit tells the poets they can't be paid for thier work. Then insist that the next anthology would be better. Same promise but thier word is far from the truth. I feel that This site like so many others, They want to exploit our talents to fill thier own pockets. Its funny, We have the talent but they profit from our vision. Because they have the capital and know how to do it. I doubt any of the leaders persay can commit passionately to the OP site. the members are an afterthought to the real prospect of funding this site. If I am wrong then I welcome any and all responses from the true owner of the site and would like in his own words to describe his visions for this site as a whole. Because I have yet to hear anything from the powers that be other then eliminating people off the site because of stupid bickering.
I have wrote the site personally only to receive no word back. I have talked to Papa and from my conversations he feels that a one on one conversation with the group that runs the site or the owner will not be entertained because they feel thay have really nothing to say. I feel that if we as poets are going to make a place for us that both encourages each other and shows that poets can profit from our own work. We need to take responsibility for ourselves stop bickering and govern and police ourselves. The older of us poets need to take the reigns by the hand and start a foundation that not only unites us but brings us together. Agreements need to be made about respect for each other and people need to put aside some time to make this work if they want a site that everyone can learn from and profit finacially and intellectually. I have found in this site we have editors we have poets that break bounderies and others that have a great deal of leadership qualities but we are all scattered across this site with no real common goal. I have led a group on this site before with some success yet in the end the lesson that was taught to me that no one person can carry the weight. I would like to start with a foundation of poets that are willing to work together for a common good. This small group of poets would have no special treatment but respected for what they can bring to the community. Every poet has the right to speak out and express thier conserns or views and all shall be repected as a peer not as someone that we disagree with or agree. This action will take time to hatch and it would be a monsterous undertaking to say the least. The goal for us to not only have the rights to our own work. To market it ourselves to actually learn from each other would be a tool that we could all use and apply. No more would we have to plea to publishers, or websites to get us exposure to our work and more over profit from our talents. We don't get paid for our work because were told by the media and society that poetry just does not sell. Still Song that have the same meter and ryhm sell each day. I am here to tell you my friends it does and they have cornered the market on it. You are either a part of it or just looking through the window of profit at it. If we unite and work together we can be the masters of our own vision, our own talents, of our own future. Finally the masters of our own destiny. I have tired doing this before and got no response but due to the OP's actions and the bickering I was hopeful that maybe other poets think as I do. This is my last attempt to pull us together for I feel it is the best way for all of us that want to continue a fellowship and profit from our own work. I will start with this thread and run one for every forum. I will then pm all my friends and then will wait and watch. Those that want to talk to me about this subject can leave a note here or pm me or e-mail me at plot121@yahoo.com. If I hear no work by April 15th I will not speak on this issue again thank you for your time Plot121 AKA Robert...

03-08-2011 at 12:18:52 PM

RE: Hear Me Out

i hear you, Plot

and appreciate your thoughtful post

these same things were cussed and discussed by others when "studly" came back ... for he was asked to leave, and then came back with multiple identities, like a hydra ... and continued with his name calling, despite all pleas ...

without a moderator, the forums are an easy stopping ground for trolls

there have been other sites created, as well, by poets from OP land ... lots of poetry in the digital world ... many places to connect!

the "impending death of OP" posts were meant as much to warn poets that someday soon you may try to log in and find OP gone ... along with any poetry you've posted ... (1) no contact with the site owners, (2) no weekly contest winners, (3) no social media connections (which Papa used to update), (4) no contact with the authors included in the first anthology.

enjoy it while you can, and don't be surprised if it suddenly goes away.

and most of all, keep writing!


03-08-2011 at 01:24:08 PM

RE: Hear Me Out


03-08-2011 at 02:49:50 PM

RE: Hear Me Out

Anyone that posts on this site after all this shit needs there head checked, plain and simple, delete your poems and move on.

Plot we love ya man, let us figure out things, and we will contact you.

The Owners of OP have failed us, and they truly are legally liable for Volume 2.
But guess what we have better fish to fry baby.....

Last edited by PoetsofBlood 03-08-2011 at 02:51:46 PM

03-08-2011 at 07:19:22 PM

RE: Hear Me Out

all the different people bickering are studly..........and his different screen names......sometimes he argues with himself.

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)