Original Poetry Forums

Contest Winners

03-04-2009 at 11:47:37 AM

Contest Winners

Does my poem have to be rated a 10 to become a Contest Winner, or is the rating of the poem extraneous when choosing a contest winner? question

03-04-2009 at 07:02:07 PM

Re: Contest Winners

I've been wondering that too.

03-05-2009 at 04:59:37 PM
  • FoF
  • FoF
  • Posts: 72

Re: Contest Winners

It seems to me that the overall average of the ratings is important -
but if several have the same rating - the final decision rests with the
PTB who run the site. This system is flawed until they come up with a
better one. There is no way to tell how many people even read your
poem or rated it. There is no way to tell who read and rated. It is
purely subjective and dependent on the opinion of the reader -
no matter what skill level at which they write.

03-06-2009 at 05:48:28 PM

Re: Contest Winners

Hi There,

That's why, I believe people should post a comment.
At least we have a signal.

John E. WordSlinger wink

03-06-2009 at 06:55:39 PM

Re: Contest Winners

Originally Posted by startrekfan1

Does my poem have to be rated a 10 to become a Contest Winner, or is the rating of the poem extraneous when choosing a contest winner? question

Yea, and Why are My Poems A 10 One Day and an 8 the Next day? That makes No Sense to me! And We Do Need to Leave Comments on a Poem If We Truly Like IT! Rather it Does Any Good or Not, I don't Know?

03-08-2009 at 08:48:05 AM

Re: Contest Winners

in a previous incarnation of a another site i was a member at you rated a poem (reviewed) and then the poet would rate your review
you would move up levles by getting and giving reviews, each poem would be given 1-5 points by the reviewer
and the review would be given 1-5 points by the poet reviewed
(each on each poem)
you would progerss through each carigory (reviewing, and as poet by the acculmation of points ,, so if you didnt review, you would not progress as a reviewer, if you only reviewed you would progress as a reviewer
(three reviews allowed you to publish one poem so it paid to review.)
both poems and reviewer could comment and were expected to,(if somone was "scamming" by cut and pasting reviews it would be obvious fast and poets and orther poets and reviewers would raise a ruckus and the "scammer" would be warned, etc.( multiple reviews by the same poet under different pen names reviewing and rating their own works exclusivly would also be obvious by the reviewing community at large,
(those poets wishing only to publish could opt out by buying credits to publish poems, and devote all their time to their own writing exclusively... daily ratings for top poet and daily top revieveradded insentive, and built interaction and skills,too bad the new site lost some of that, and turned into a review by form... hopes for this site to evolve into somthing similar to the preceeding format

03-08-2009 at 06:56:53 PM

Re: Contest Winners

I am wondering a bit about how this works, too.

But you can be 10 one day, and 8 the next, if people subsequent to your having a 10 give you a lower rating. Your score goes up and down, potentially, with successive ratings.

In terms of the contest, I am not sure how it is you even make sure yours is read, so as to be scored at all. At any rate, I am just liking the idea of posting and getting over the fear of having my poems somewhere besides on my lonely little computer disk.

Thanks to anyone willing to give them a fair read.

Last edited by margiekirwin 03-08-2009 at 06:57:23 PM

03-18-2009 at 05:13:22 PM

Re: Contest Winners

Originalpoet - Could you please give us a description of just how the contest winners are chosen? I don't think anyone knows or understands. Obviously if one poet has a rating of 10 based on one vote and another has a rating of 10 based on 30 votes there is no comparison. I notice winners usually have a rating between 8 and 9. although I see several 7's and even a 6+ in the past. I suspect you get a hundred or more poems per week entered. What criteria is used to par it down? Who makes the final judgement? I think everyone would appreciate some transparency.

Last edited by aggieprof 03-18-2009 at 05:17:51 PM

03-21-2009 at 07:35:38 PM
  • FoF
  • FoF
  • Posts: 72

Re: Contest Winners

Maybe - like the Olympics - minimum of 12 ratings required with the high and low thrown out.

03-21-2009 at 08:01:14 PM
  • sk
  • sk
  • Posts: 64

Re: Contest Winners

Okay I realize I should have read the contest rules before posting this, but I understood it to be the highest number of readers who marked the 'favorites' button of the partifular poem in question? I'll go double check now and if I'm wrong I'll correct myself.

OKAY I WAS WRONG: Evidently it IS the number of reads you get based on a count system the web master has...gee, wish we could get something like that on our individual pages, like my space...

Last edited by sk 03-21-2009 at 08:04:59 PM

04-01-2009 at 07:04:35 PM

Re: Contest Winners

I would be happy if my poems just went from a 10 to an 8 but all my poems dropped just today in a matter of hours drastically while the comments remained favorable! I think their are some people out there who dislikes me immensely!! ~Sara

04-12-2009 at 11:15:19 PM
  • Jaddenblade
  • Jaddenblade
  • Posts: 20

Re: Contest Winners

I was going to post something....but decided against it. lol. I'm just honored to be a member of this site.

04-19-2009 at 08:59:43 AM

Re: Contest Winners

agree with jaddenblade....dont care about ratings anymore....its subjective and like raggedypoet if someone doesn't like u or are just a hater then its all over. I just like the comments and try to leave a comment on as many poems as i can. i too am honored. cool smile

04-19-2009 at 07:02:15 PM

Re: Re: Contest Winners

Originally Posted by raggedypoet

I would be happy if my poems just went from a 10 to an 8 but all my poems dropped just today in a matter of hours drastically while the comments remained favorable! I think their are some people out there who dislikes me immensely!! ~Sara

I agree. I have had the same thing happen to me..1o scores one day and then 5 the next. It is definitly someone who is very immature and malicious doing this.. Michelle

04-20-2009 at 01:23:38 AM

Re: Contest Winners

I found a box full of trophies in a dumpster one time and had a swell time writing engravings on the bottom for whatever came to my mind. I handed them out to friends around me at the time. Kept a couple myself. We were all winners on that day! lol

04-20-2009 at 08:48:43 AM

Re: Contest Winners

The opportunity to write and share is priceless! I thank Original Poetry for allowing us to be here! By doing so makes them stand out a WINNER before anyone ever won!

04-20-2009 at 10:03:45 AM

Re: Contest Winners

Didn't know if you were talking about the contest for UPA if so get back to me Plot121

04-20-2009 at 05:53:54 PM
  • FoF
  • FoF
  • Posts: 72

Re: Contest Winners

I really do have so little time right now, but what I do have - I find myself checking in on the site because it is fun and I like everybody.

04-22-2009 at 03:16:23 PM

Re: Contest Winners

i wanna be a contest winner confused

04-28-2009 at 08:59:13 AM

Re: Contest Winners

I enjoy the site very much, lots to read on all levels. Many people have left me comments, both public and private, thanks to all of you. I really appreciated their taking the time to do that. Maybe, some sort of counter on each piece or the profile page? only a thought. Do peoples work get enough exposure in only 1 week? How do you re-enter a piece? I'm glad to be here, be well my new friends ... I'll be in touch. ken cool smile

08-09-2009 at 02:48:22 AM

Re: Contest Winners


The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)