Original Poetry Forums

Casual Conversations

02-17-2011 at 09:58:05 AM

Casual Conversations

Hmmm... All the drama. I usually don't post here at all. Just stopped by to see what was happening.

The Conversations don't seem so casual. Word of OP going away. Some fights between factions. Talk of a troll and people leaving OP.

I just want to say it will be a sad day when OP folds. I have found some good people here. Hopefuly I have not made enemies by my comments on poems.

Well, all of you take care. I am waiting for something to inspire me to write. I hope there are still a few poems left inside of me.

Until then,

Last edited by MootPoint 02-17-2011 at 09:59:11 AM

02-17-2011 at 05:12:15 PM

RE: Casual Conversations


Still lots of great folks here. Lots of great writing and commenting going on. And i doubt you've made enemies ... if they haven't contacted you already, lol wink Most here are appreciative of any energy you can give to their work. It's just happening in a quieter, less public way ... the bright lights of the raucus forums are just too easy a target, too tempting for a lonely troll, when there is no moderator present. Casual conversation is impossible when you're being attacked.

And all things move on and so goes the world.

Something to inspire you to write ... I hope you find it ... i KNOW there are still at LEAST a few poems left inside of you wink


Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.