Original Poetry Forums

Kanicki is very ill and just returned from the hosiptal... she sends her lo

12-31-2010 at 04:35:14 PM

Kanicki is very ill and just returned from the hosiptal... she sends her love.

Kanicki is very ill and i hope all her friend post greeting for a healthy New Year. She wants to let everyone know she is thinking of us and sends her loving energy. Love, peace and freedom, Olan.

12-31-2010 at 04:56:43 PM
  • kah
  • kah
  • Posts: 339

RE: Kanicki is very ill and just returned from the hosiptal... she sends her lo

Kanicki -

I hope you recover quickly!

Best wishes for a healthy, happy and prosperous 2011!


12-31-2010 at 08:13:28 PM

RE: Kanicki is very ill and just returned from the hosiptal... she sends her lo

So sorry to have that news, as she has been an encouragement to many. downer

12-31-2010 at 08:33:37 PM

RE: Kanicki is very ill and just returned from the hosiptal... she sends her lo

I pray for your quick recovery and healing. Rest and be well. God bless you in this new year.

12-31-2010 at 11:52:37 PM

RE: Kanicki is very ill and just returned from the hosiptal... she sends her lo

Ms. Kanicki, we have been worried.
We are concerned, and we care.
You are precious to us, and we are thinking of you,
furthermore you are in our prayers.

John E and Maddi.

01-01-2011 at 02:17:06 AM

RE: Kanicki is very ill and just returned from the hosiptal... she sends her lo

Dear Kanicki

Our spirits and prayers are with you! Get well soon!
Your Peace, Love, and Light has been missed!


01-01-2011 at 08:53:25 AM

RE: Kanicki is very ill and just returned from the hosiptal... she sends her lo

Happy New Year, Kanicki!!!!
wish you all the best, health and happiness.....
and get well soon!!!!

01-01-2011 at 11:00:25 AM

RE: Kanicki is very ill and just returned from the hosiptal... she sends her lo

Oh, love,

I send you my spiritual light.

Health, Happiness, and Harmony,

01-01-2011 at 04:50:38 PM

RE: Kanicki is very ill and just returned from the hosiptal... she sends her lo

Dearest Kanicki, I send you all of my prayer and blessing for a speedy recover.So hurry up and get better cause we all miss you so very much..........Loves ya lots and be well soon..........Namaste......love ashared facered facered facesmilewinktongue laughtongue rolleyetongue winksicksick

01-01-2011 at 05:25:42 PM

RE: Kanicki is very ill and just returned from the hosiptal... she sends her lo

Dearest Kanicki, my heart is heavy to hear that you are ill . I'll be flooding the Heavens with prayers and thoughts for your recovery .. Love Lena xx

01-01-2011 at 06:05:20 PM

RE: Kanicki is very ill and just returned from the hosiptal... she sends her lo

Be well with a speedy recovery, we need you here, be well k cool smile

01-01-2011 at 06:53:48 PM

RE: Kanicki is very ill and just returned from the hosiptal... she sends her lo

May the good Lord grant you peace, health, and love through the coming year. You are sorely missed by your poet family. We all love you here. ~LoneWolf and Regina2

01-02-2011 at 06:28:03 AM

RE: Kanicki is very ill and just returned from the hosiptal... she sends her lo

01-02-2011 at 11:56:41 PM

RE: Kanicki is very ill and just returned from the hosiptal... she sends her lo

get better soon my friend as your precence here at OP has always been a bright light in the shadows of darkness. I will add you to my prayers and hope for a speedy recovery! Purity of the soul, journey well!!! with grace and humility your friend ANGEL

01-03-2011 at 05:20:08 PM

RE: Kanicki is very ill and just returned from the hosiptal... she sends her lo

Kanicki is stlll very ill and needs our prayers and positive healing energy. Keep the support coming, please. Love, peace and freedom, Olan.

01-03-2011 at 05:26:14 PM

RE: Kanicki is very ill and just returned from the hosiptal... she sends her lo

Prayers have been going up and will continue sending love and healing

01-03-2011 at 09:41:29 PM

RE: Kanicki is very ill and just returned from the hosiptal... she sends her lo

Dearest Kanicki

You are in my prayers and thoughts , my heart is heavy that you are so ill. I've passed a request to several prayer groups that I know to ask them to pray for you so that you will be lifted up in prayer worldwide. Hang in there xxxxxx

01-03-2011 at 10:32:44 PM

RE: Kanicki is very ill and just returned from the hosiptal... she sends her lo

I am so happy to know that you are home from that horrible place of a hospital...even though I know myself how much it was needed for you to be there to get better as I recently did myself my dear friend Kanicki, I know that your heart and soul are happy to be home and home is where you will truly begin to heal much faster as I am doing the same slowly.........all the prayers I have and many that I have asked to pray for your speedy recover are ongoing until we all know that you are well and back with us once again and writing your wonderful words with that magic pen of yours........Hang in there darling your family here at OP are all pulling for you and are here for you.........peace, light and much love your way........Namaste love ashasmilewinkred facered facekisskisskiss

01-04-2011 at 09:40:30 AM

RE: Kanicki is back in the hosiptal, and needs surgery, she need all our prayers

To watch over you a Guardian Angel
love ashared facered facered face

Last edited by ApaqRasgirl 01-04-2011 at 09:51:30 AM

01-04-2011 at 09:50:08 AM

RE: Kanicki is back in the hosiptal, and need surgery... she sends her lo

please dear OP family keep our dear Kanicki in your prayers and thoughts as she had to be taken back to the hospital and needs surgery, so lets show our dear family member all our support...........love ashared facered facered facered face

01-04-2011 at 09:59:30 AM

RE: RE: Kanicki is back in the hosiptal, and need surgery... she sends her lo

Originally Posted by ApaqRasgirl

please dear OP family keep our dear Kanicki in your prayers and thoughts as she had to be taken back to the hospital and needs surgery, so lets show our dear family member all our support...........love ashared facered facered facered face


I am really sorry ! Dear Kanicki, I pray for your speedy recovery.

01-04-2011 at 09:59:31 AM

RE: RE: Kanicki is back in the hosiptal, and need surgery... she sends her lo

Originally Posted by ApaqRasgirl

please dear OP family keep our dear Kanicki in your prayers and thoughts as she had to be taken back to the hospital and needs surgery, so lets show our dear family member all our support...........love ashared facered facered facered face


I am really sorry ! Dear Kanicki, I pray for your speedy recovery.

01-04-2011 at 10:03:05 AM

RE: Kanicki is very ill and just returned from the hosiptal... she sends her lo

Dearest Kanicki I will update the prayer chains know that you are loved dearest one xxxx

01-04-2011 at 11:50:12 AM

RE: Kanicki is very ill and just returned from the hosiptal... she sends her lo

Please know you are in my prayers and are apart of my prayer group tonight. May you be blessed by his hand of recovery.

01-04-2011 at 02:14:48 PM
  • kah
  • kah
  • Posts: 339

RE: Kanicki is very ill and just returned from the hosiptal... she sends her lo

Kanicki, I am lighting a candle for you...and sending as much healing energy as I can...please know you are in my thoughts!!

Be well,

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.