Original Poetry Forums

OP- I Will Catch Up With Everyone Soon, Maddi

12-15-2010 at 04:52:06 PM

OP- I Will Catch Up With Everyone Soon, Maddi

Sorry I havent been on much. The house I'm restoring/ and just moved into, doesnt have heat! -lol- so Im using space heaters here and there, to 'warm' whatever rooms Im occupying in my pre-turn of the century victorian. The area I live in has had consecutive sub-zero freezing temps- so my library/writing room- where my comp is pretty cold- plus my son has strep throat, and Im dealing with my usual health BS!- but I am writing...lol! Soooo, as soon as it warms up- or I can afford a new furnace installed, lol, I'll be back regular, to read y'all!! Keep pm'n me, I love your letters, and reminders of what brilliant work to read when I get back on! *Now maybe I can sneak John's laptop from him, and get some work done under the covers tonight!lol* Love you ALL- Maddikiss

OH PS PS; John (WordSlinger) has his book 'Beautifire' available on Amazon.com!- I am NOT being bias (Cross my Heart and swear on rootbeer) When I tell you this book is freaking awsome!! This is John's best work- 125 pages of 'can't put down' reads. Well I could go on, and on...the book is ridiculously affordable, and a total MUST for poetry fanatics!!- smile


12-15-2010 at 05:23:49 PM

RE: OP- I Will Catch Up With Everyone Soon, Maddi

your presence has been sorely missed by many as your spirit spreads the light of joy and love to all of OP, you are a candle in the darkness of a very cruel and brutal world. You are the voice of reason and have the heart of an angel, glad to see you back and I am sure all your fans as well as your dear friends are more than willing to wait as long as you need till your return. I am sorry to hear of the hardtimes and situation with you and John and please know that I added John and you to my prayer group at church as well as my personal family prayers at night. I hope I did not overstate my bound by doing so but this is my nature, whether it be considered good or bad, it is with the best of intentions. Try and keep warm, I will send some of our Florida sunshine your way and hopefully a little of our warmth, although for us is it freezing, a cool 39 at the moment, LOL. I am sure for you guys that would be a heatwave, LOL. Hope you son feels better soon and wishing you and John only the best in this holiday season! Purity of the soul, journey well!!! with grace and humility ANGEL

12-16-2010 at 07:19:23 PM

RE: OP- I Will Catch Up With Everyone Soon, Maddi

Thank you for your Prayers,

We have made a list to read one we get some time.

John E and Maddi

12-17-2010 at 07:58:25 PM

RE: OP- I Will Catch Up With Everyone Soon, Maddi

you have been missed! kiss

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.