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Real Men Don't Cry, but why???

07-07-2010 at 07:35:14 AM

Real Men Don't Cry, but why???

A couple of months ago I read a poem, of a friend of mine called "real mean don't cry", it brought me to tears. It also got me thinking, why don't real men cry? Listen up ladies out there as this is a glimpse into the hearts and emotions of a men and why most men are so detached from thier emotions and feelings. The concept comes from society, passed down generation after generation from father to son. It is a concept based off the premise that all men are strong and tough and to follow this stereotype one must act accordingly. We are taught from the very first time we stub our toe or fall off our bike to suck it up, be a man, be strong, don't cry... How sad is this??? It is ingrained in the psyche of men down to the very fiber of who we are to hold back our emotions, to hide them, to burry them, to be strong, to be a man. Over time, after years and years of being conditioned to this ideal it becomes a part of us and then we pass it along to our children, to our sons. I think it is this ideal that is the very heart of why most men are so detached from thier emotions, it is ingrained in us to be this way. Society helps to build this stereo type, you can see this ideal just about everywhere you look, movies, TV, music, literature, it is part of our culture. They say men are from mars and women are from venus but deep down are we really so fundamentally different? Atleast on an emotional level, I think we are much more similar than we are different. I am a good example, I was raised outside of the box, my dad left when I was real little and I was raised by my mom and my aunt, I wasn't raised with the same ideals and stereotypes as most men. So I am much more intouch with my emotions than most men, and from time to time when the need strikes me I cry. I am a sap for a good romance movie, I am a hopeless romantic, lol. Perhaps I am not the norm... But I am an example. So the question I put forth for other's to ponder is this. If we were raised the same way, with the same ideals, without the constraints of society, without the stereo typing would we be so different on a emotional level? I say real men should cry, it is much healthier to express one's emotions than to hold them in... I think there would be a great deal more commmunication and understanding between men and women if we were more open to our emotions. On a basic level we are the same, men feel, men cry, men are emotional, we are just taught to hold it all in, to bury it away, to conceal it. I say let it out, let the tears flow... food for thought, what do you think ? Real men don't cry, but I ask you why???????????????????????? Purity of the soul, journey well to all!!! Angel aka Poem Bustercool smile

Last edited by angel33614 07-07-2010 at 09:20:53 AM

07-07-2010 at 09:42:48 AM

RE: Real Men Don't Cry, but why???

Hhmmm......a puzzling question. My argument would be that it is not a matter of emotion so much..as far as crying is concerned. It is a matter of biology and chemical wiring. Think about it, true, women do cry more often than men but usually there is a hormonal or chemical imbalance reason for it. A gene, that tiny piece of DNA that men don't have.
I do believe that no matter who you are, man, woman, child, elderly, black, white, whatever race you may be crying is universal for very specific reasons; a death in the family, some other life incident (even a happy one), your favorite sports team winning or not. I am sure that there are other examples that are just not coming to me right now.
So as much as I agree with you in one aspect; some male children 'see' the behavior or lack there of from their fathers, it does not explain why girls who grow up..say..without a mother don't cry any less than girls who do. That is why I say it is a matter of wiring not just a learned behavior. See ya' A.T. snake

Last edited by mustascheman 07-07-2010 at 09:43:26 AM

07-07-2010 at 03:34:59 PM

RE: Real Men Don't Cry, but why???

I think it takes a man to cry. Great post!

07-07-2010 at 07:19:53 PM

RE: Real Men Don't Cry, but why???

I can see your point my friend but there is more to this puzzle than just one piece, genetics can explain the hormonal difference but it doesn't explain it all. If genetics was the answer than it would apply to all cultures and throughout time but this is not the case. The ideal that real men don't cry is one held mostly in the US, in Europe for exmaple men are much more in touch with thier emotions, it is much more accepted as part of thier culture. So I think perhaps it is a little of both, while hormones may play a role it does not create the entire picture by itself, so my question still stands. If real men don't cry, why??? Angelquestion

07-28-2010 at 12:33:47 PM

RE: Real Men Don't Cry, but why???

I have posted a new poem called "The tin man", this poem is based on a story that illustrates my point more clearly. The poem is based off this idea and premise. I have had 30 reviews so far and the comments have been quite emotional. I knew many men could relate and had stories to tell of thier own up bringing. The biggest surprise for me was how emotionally the comments were posted by women. Based off of the stories and comments I have recieved it has proved that there is much more to this issue than genitics or hormones. Much easier to blame our problems on something that we can't control but the reality is we can control it if we take responsibility for it and make changes in the way we think. The first step is recongnition of the problem. I hope this post and my poem helps to bring to light the issue for people to atleast think about.... Purity of the soul, journey well!!! Angel

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.