Original Poetry Forums

Prayer Request for Poet Friend Mike Ritt ( stetson80634)

05-31-2010 at 09:27:14 AM

Prayer Request for Poet Friend Mike Ritt ( stetson80634)

Greetings Fellow Poets,
I pray this finds you all well....

Lets add another link in our Prayer chain for our
Dear Poet Friend Mike Ritt..( stetson80634)

Whom was recently hospitalized and treated for Pneumonia...
Lets set Prayer in motion For the respiratory issues he is faced with at the present time....he is still facin' challengin' Tests..

As we gather together from all corners of the Universe...May we lift up our Prayers into the Universe and seek Health restoration in Mikes Behalf.....
.And may Prayer offer both Mike and His Supportive wife Tami Peace...

"Power of Prayer is Mighty"
God Bless You Mike and Tami....

Please visit his page and share your thoughts.

Thank You All in advance...
Mmmuah !!!!!


Tierra @}-'-,-

Have a Safe and Peaceful Memorial......

05-31-2010 at 11:00:11 PM

RE: Prayer Request for Poet Friend Mike Ritt ( stetson80634)

Tierra ~

I don't know how you always know who's needing a bit of thoughtful help, but you're sure in the circle of communication.

Thank you for letting us all know about Mike...

Please let your sources know that my thoughts of strength and care are with the both of them...


06-01-2010 at 02:54:02 AM

RE: Prayer Request for Poet Friend Mike Ritt ( stetson80634)

Hi Susan,

Thank you sooo much for respondin',
Mike is a friend to every one, And I knew that all his friends would want to keep him in prayer...

I will indeed let him know dear heart..

you may also drop him off a thought at his home page at:


Blessings !
Namaste....Tierra @}-'-,

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.