Original Poetry Forums


05-23-2010 at 03:23:22 PM



This Forum was created by Suspense who clearly stated its terms of reference and its objectives.
“My work as of late has taken a slightly more serious turn, and I have begun to take on the challenge of writing more pieces relating to current events and newsworthy stories. Stories that evoke such emotion in you, that you are compelled to put pen to paper to get your words out as fast as they come to you to express how this knew found knowledge is/has effected you.

I am calling on all poets to post newsworthy works on this thread, and also challenging poets to watch the news and observe the world with a keen poetic eye, watch for stories that need be shared. This forum is the Original Poetry news source. A Forum for news from the poets perspective. I will be adding to this post from time to time. I hope this catches on, there are a pleathera of issues out there that need to be tackled, and this is the place for poets to come share and learn and be inspired.”

This threads in this forum have got off to a very an enthusiastic start among OP Members. Active participants who have actually submitted valuable items, up to date, are:

Sydney with Kentucky Derby
RyoutUseful, Love Is
Kpeery, Tale Of A Girl
Aria, The Dow Fell Down
R,H. Peat, No Poem Without Implication
The Poem You Thought You Heard The First Time
Thanx For The Invite
Felled Family Tree
Bad News About
The Fields And The Woods
Sleeplessly Pondering
Galileo Is Cursed For The Truth
Springsize, The New Amrican Tea Party
TheChurch Of Hate
DaLushion, Father I have Sinned
Cousinsoren, The Talking Clock
\ The Boston Tea Party
A Beach For Every House
Fitz Houston, Obama’s Quest
Sleeping Around Can Bring You Dawn
Agnus Wayne, Independence Day
The Cross, Fight For Your Right For State Parks
JLorian, Death Of A Midwife.
Suspense, The Tragic Death Of Alejandro Vega
Several articles and comments.

CousinsOren, with helpful instructions from John Wordzslinger, has mastered the skill of attaching illustrations to some of the poems. It is hoped that subscribers will practise and use this skill of attaching pictures to their work on this forum, WordSlinger has clearly explained how to do it, on this forum, .Look for it and read it. Let us constantly keep the flame of this forum burning. It shall not go out! Thanks for all the support. If you do not wish to submit poems. you are invited to, at least visit and enjoy the humour and updates in poetry on current and past happenings. We promise that you will not be bored nor disappointed.

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.