Original Poetry Forums

Happy Birthday Madelynn 3/10-Do You Hear The Sunshine?

03-10-2010 at 01:44:21 AM

Happy Birthday Madelynn 3/10-Do You Hear The Sunshine?

03-10-2010 at 08:46:54 AM

This website is so big you can park a semi in it, lol

This website is so big you can park a semi in it, lol

03-10-2010 at 10:27:08 AM

RE: Happy Birthday Madelynn 3/10-Do You Hear The Sunshine?

Madelynn, the stars were in perfect alignment the day you were born for you are blessed with all the loveliness of an angel in heart, mind and soul and the beauty of a goddess. OP is a better place because of your presence here!

Happy Birthday and blessings to you, dear heart! Let's get together a little later for champagne!

Love you, Sisterfriend

03-10-2010 at 10:51:02 AM

RE: Happy Birthday Madelynn 3/10-Do You Hear The Sunshine?

My Perfect Swan

You, whose quiet sadness was a caged snowfall,
whose tears were a journey alone, whose chained
passion and unfinished dreams were like
bound clouds above the world;

you are the reason, the poetic reason,
the seasons follow their footsteps,
again and again:

only you can tell us how the night
unbuttons itself, how the wind slides
invisible silk across our skin, how dawn
frees the light from its dark dungeon, or
how a kiss is a pleasure seized with wanting.

Inside your eternal mind, in the creative
hollows of your imagination, life is a landscape
of time’s passing, brought to us in poetic verse
by way of clear, spiritual truth;

and the pulp that you write on
bows to your divine existence.

Oh, beautiful, beautiful you, evening is
now here, and only you can express the
mystical bliss of walking alone
beneath the stars, or

the sensual touch of a night rain’s lips
upon your skin, or how a sip of wine
becomes the lovemaking between you
and the soul a grape.

Knowing nothing but love for everything,
you are “the politeness of blue sky”, the
erotic scent of a wet red rose, the slow
heat of an August noon, a love dream,
a love song, the peaceful calm of
a single white cloud,

and you present yourself divinely.

Now my Perfect Swan spread your wings,
again, and shake them loudly, and let a feather fall
upon its reflection in the water, only to know
the infinite possibilities of its freedom.

Happy Birthday,

tongue laugh

03-10-2010 at 11:11:40 AM

RE: Happy Birthday Madelynn 3/10-Do You Hear The Sunshine?


Happy Birthday!!!! May this day be blessed with lots of love, hugs and sunshine....Oh, and plenty of cake cheese

Thank you for your beautiful mind and your sweet friendship!



Erika Brown

03-10-2010 at 12:40:48 PM

RE: Happy Birthday Madelynn 3/10-Do You Hear The Sunshine?

Happy Birthday and endless blessings...

May all the trees speak to you through gentle breezes and calming earthly smiles!


03-10-2010 at 02:59:10 PM

Happy Birthday Madelynn 3/10-Our Miracle

03-10-2010 at 06:12:25 PM

RE: Happy Birthday Madelynn 3/10-Do You Hear The Sunshine?

Without John we wouldn't be aware that it is your Birthday, so first I thank him for letting his and our poet friends know. Happy Birthday girl and many more. Also I am proud and privileged to know your acquaintance and read your beautiful and often vivacious verse, sometimes sad, sometimes with an attitude and searing messages, but always with conviction and grace. Enjoy your day and may God bless you beautiful lady!

03-10-2010 at 11:23:06 PM

RE: Happy Birthday Madelynn 3/10-Do You Hear The Sunshine?

Dear * MaddiStar * I am a bit late. and Now... I am ready for cake

Happy Birthday ~ ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* star balloons ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~*

and Happy Wonderful Celtic Music ~ I love Celtic Thunder too ..... I love going to your poems and listening to her sing... I never knew the words before... I am the Voice... which is so beautiful...

Happy Thoughts .... Happy Actions .... Beautiful Moments to you ~

03-10-2010 at 11:44:34 PM

RE: Happy Birthday Madelynn 3/10-Do You Hear The Sunshine?

May your day be filled with happiness.
May the sun shine down on you.
May you feel the warmth of it's sweet kiss
beneath a sky of blue.
Have a wonderful day,
Tom cool smile

03-11-2010 at 12:49:58 AM

Ba-Sudi-Chin Miraku (A Birthday-Our Miracle)

Is there anymore Cake left,??? lol
I know where my cake is... lol
But I want more.....Word

03-11-2010 at 12:57:08 PM

RE: Happy Birthday Madelynn 3/10-Do You Hear The Sunshine?

she hears the sunshine
and feels the melodies
of a thousand rustling leaves

she sees the moonbeam
and hears the touch
of a thousand bristling beliefs

she feels the people
and sees the spice
of a thousand lines of poetry

she smells the courage
and encourages the incorrigibility
of a thousand pixie would-be's

she tastes the cups
and drinks the enchantment
of a thousand years of "we"

she wears the love
and offers her sleeves
to a thousand fans on OP

she is a sprite,
and a mountain at once
bringing a thousand magics to set you free

she sees with her heart,
and feels with her being
and it is her birthday today, dear Maddi!

may all the love and light
seen, heard, touched, tasted, and felt
today be remembered ... with glee smile

[a poor offering amidst so many beautiful creations, but please know my sincere wishes for a happy birthday and a glorious 2010!]

Happy Birthday, Madelynn! You bring much joy to many here, there, and elsewhere I am quite certain, and my wish is for that joy to ripple back to you with gentle contentment and fiery inspiration at once smile Much luv!

03-11-2010 at 01:18:40 PM

RE: Happy Birthday Madelynn 3/10-Do You Hear The Sunshine?


Birthday's Are A Gift We Share With Friends

The birth of each new day
Is a gift we share with friends

A friend like you (Maddi)
To me is one of the far most
Greatest Blessin'
The Lord can ever present to me

I don't always need a special occasion
To send my most fondest greetin' to you

If i could, i'd share
It with you every single day

Some day's more than others
Let's take like today
Is a bit more special

I send my thoughts across this Universe
And share from my heart
And wish you the Happiest of Birthday's

How else can i say
You are special and dear to me

Happy Birthday Sunshine!
With All Our Love Terry and Tierra ( T~N~T )

03-11-2010 at 07:19:06 PM

RE: Happy Birthday Madelynn 3/10-Do You Hear The Sunshine?

Rather than be conventional about things...here is something to brighten your day smile


I tried to embed it...put that didn't work out too well...but I made a valiant effort lol.

03-11-2010 at 07:37:34 PM

RE: Happy Birthday Madelynn 3/10-Do You Hear The Sunshine?

In celebration of your special day, I am sending my very best wishes and warmest thoughts your way!

Love & laughter, always!

03-12-2010 at 11:40:36 AM

RE: Happy Birthday Madelynn 3/10-Do You Hear The Sunshine?

I want to thank all of you on OP, and 'The Pac-ster' for an amazing first year on the site!!-Also; You guyz, this birthday was the best ever! To wake up, all sleepy eyed, coffee in hand, and click on OP, to find a Birthday recognized to this extent by the poets/writers who I cherish..was so touching, I even started crying(not the scrunched, ugly face, runny nose cry-It was the kind of cry like at the movies watching 'The Notebook', and you dont really want anybody to notice that you're ballin' type!, you kno' the one..LOL) I want you ALL to know that I appreciate each and everyone of you, and think you are ALL a creative and brilliant gift to our earth!-and John E. Wordslinger, Thank you so much for making my Bday such a wonderful day, and making my year in writing so notable-thank you for all the promoting you have done for me..you are a master-genius in that department, and thank you for the website you built me, and all the writing sites you promote me on, and handle for me, and helping me with Bleed For a Cause and Blanket Rescue! I really hope EVERYONE here on OriginalPoetry realizes what an asset you are to them, and the writing world!-thank you my Irish!! ps-to anyone who reads this that notices it takes me a century to get on their page and comment-Sorry, I'm not quicker about getting there, or that I forget. I am way-ADD, and distract very easily-(especially when my brain is creating a new write) Please just always leave me a PM with the title.I save them, and when I get time to unwinde, I go back to them all to see whose work I need to read!thanx

I SO enjoy you ALL!
Love you,

03-12-2010 at 12:00:28 PM

RE: Happy Birthday Madelynn 3/10-Do You Hear The Sunshine?

~ One more thing...
Dah, thank you for taking a stand to allow me to roam-'off a leash', as you say,LOL-You have proven to be an amazing man, as well as poet! You are the reason I stayed on OP, and I have grown to become a stronger writer through your critiques, off-the-chain compliments, and your written inspirations! Not to mention, you were the first to crown me 'High Priestess of Poetry' on OP title,lol. You have no idea Dah, how that seems to have stuck in peoples minds!!lol, I had like 10 friend requests in the last 6mos, all PMing me, calling me High Priestess of Poetry!LOL (no offense, new friends-but you really DO need to 'read' the persons work, before you call them that-just sayin'*smiles*)Thank you my dear for an unforgettable first year.

Swan smile

03-12-2010 at 02:39:51 PM

RE: Happy Birthday Madelynn 3/10-Do You Hear The Sunshine?

Originally Posted by WordSlinger

03-12-2010 at 02:43:23 PM

RE: RE: Happy Birthday Madelynn 3/10-Do You Hear The Sunshine?

Originally Posted by cousinsoren

Originally Posted by WordSlinger

Hi, Maddi,

DID YOU GET MY BIRTHDAY E-CARD? Love you., Blessings, Oren

03-12-2010 at 03:55:39 PM

RE: Happy Birthday Madelynn 3/10-Do You Hear The Sunshine?

I believe there have been times when I've heard the sunshine.
Memories seem to have there way of adding soundtracks to imagery over time.
So you have collected another year of them yourself. God bless you my dear. Here's lookin' attcha kid ...

I love this little guy> gulp

Last edited by NevillePark 03-12-2010 at 03:56:51 PM

03-12-2010 at 08:14:10 PM
  • kah
  • kah
  • Posts: 339

RE: Happy Birthday Madelynn 3/10-Do You Hear The Sunshine?


March 10th....

Birth of nature's intuitive siren...
Goddess of the song in the air....
You gift all who read your offerings...
Ink you spill enlightens us all...
To the unsung beauty of this world!

Happy Birthday my friend!!!
Hugs and smiles (smiles smeared with cake!)

03-15-2010 at 04:17:44 PM
  • CorinthiaSugar
  • CorinthiaSugar
  • Posts: 39

RE: Happy Birthday Madelynn 3/10-Do You Hear The Sunshine?

Happy Bithday Maddi, blessings and love, plenty plenty more, smile, Corinthia

In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.