What is Ash Wennesday?
In Western Christainity, Ash Wednesday is the first day of the Lent,and the seventh Wednesday before Lent, on which some Christains go to church to receive ashes marked as a cross on their forehead,as a taken of their belief, of penitence and their mortality.
What is Lent?
Lent is a time of the year when Christians prepare for Easter by observing forty days ( Sundays excluded) of fasting, repentance and reflecton on the crucifixion of Chriat.
What is Easter?
Easter is the Christain holiday to celebrate the resurrection of Christ.
Why does a priest daub ashes on the foreheads of worshippers?
Wnen we ,as Christian believers receive aahes , in the sign of a cross, on our foreheads, , we are obliged to remember who we are or what we are.
We ought to remember that we were baptized, and that we are a people on a mission of conversion of self.( 'Turn away from sin).
We ought to remember that we are members of Christ. The process of reviewing our spiritual status and reconciling with God and Christ is the essence of the Lenten Season.
"Walk good, and good duppy will follow you" (Louise Bennett)
Last edited by cousinsoren 02-17-2010 at 11:43:30 AM
In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.
Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.