Original Poetry Forums


11-26-2009 at 08:24:09 PM



… Should accept His mother, Mama Mary
Your mother is just like Mama Mary to Jesus Christ
She is the gateway to God and intercedes for us
God or Jesus will consider whatever His mother ask Him because He’s an obedient child

The founder of your religion did not know the truth
To purgatory they went for breaking the Universal religion
Universal is His apostolic ministry
His Apostolic ministry is Catholic or Roman Catholic

His Friends, Associates and Saints are interceding for us
His 11 friends became His Associates and spread Catholicism
His 12th, Judas Iscariot, the traitor and betrayer
Left His Apostolic Ministry and made His own

God is taking care of the whole universe
He’s the King & we are embarrassed that most of us went with Judas Iscariot
We need Saints as God’s Associates to give Him a break
God or Jesus Christ wants all of us to be in His Apostolic Ministry


What is a Psycho? A Psycho is defined as a mentally disturbed person. A disturbed person because some parts of the body has limitation to be used maneuvering daily activities. I consider myself a Psycho because of my incapabilities to walk regular as other people do and inability to use my left arm due to a tragic car accident last October 11, 1999. I underwent multiple surgeries including my throat from having a blockage that is preventing me to speak and my left forearm being crushed to 51 pieces.

I also went to extensive In-Patient, Out-Patient and In-Home Therapies. In-patient (IP) includes Physical Therapy (PT), Occupational Therapy (OT) and Speech Therapy (ST) at St. Mary’s Rehabilitation Medical Hospital, Stanyan- SF. Out-patient (OP) in Ben Berman Out-patient (BBOP) at Hayes- SF and In- Home Therapy (IHT) with ex-fiancée, Anicito P. Acosta III (Ani), Daly City.

In and Out-patient [IP and OP] Therapies are Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapies (POST). Physical Therapy (PT) is imperative for you to walk with God, merrily jump, dance for joy and fit through narrow isle or door. It has a lot of difficulties although towards the end you would be delighted you’ve over come those difficulties. OT is training what you can do inside the house, bathing in the bathroom, cooking or working on microwaving the food in the kitchen, neatly folding your clothes inside your bedroom closet. ST is working on your verbal communication and technical skills.

My doctor informed my mother I would be a living breathing vegetable in bed if ever I wake up in coma she was crying when she was informing Ani. My ex-fiancée felt bad that he did not kept what he promised to drive me and my beloved best friend to our job interview that cost our car to collide and my best friend to lose her life. He took care of me and thought to do an In-Home Therapy with the help of his brother, Arnold P. Acosta.
He first trained me to walk imitating I just woke up from the bed and have the urgency to use the toilet bowl and walking through the shower for my bathing and holding on to a sturdy wall or sink. Of course it was scary at first and everything looks scary at first because it is a new thing, he pushes me on my manual wheelchair but there are times when I need to walk going to the fridge and freezer to take out microwavable food. It is a sure thing you can do this using one arm. At first, it is very slow because I have never done it before but as I do it every day, I got more practice to get used to doing it repeatedly that cut the minutes faster. It is okay to be slow because you will not stay that slow as years passes by.

Singing Karaoke and Reading aloud is how I practice my speaking voice. I prefer singing a song with high tuned first because I will be challenged to push out my natural speaking voice and it will come out naturally. Reading books aloud satisfies Mr. Matthew Kelly’s one of the four aspects of human person (Physical, Emotional, Intellectual and Spiritual) and reading magazine is grouped with Intellectual. An example of book to read because it helped me and I am sure it will help you make the right choice. I found reading “Rhythm of Life” by Mr. Matthew Kelly very informational. For some of you who choose to bring a book to read loud enough in any room by yourself to not disturb others or in the restroom while removing, either before or after taking out bowels or sing while taking a shower. The acoustic echo sound wonderful if you sing there. People can borrow books from family, friend or go to Public Library to get any American magazine like “Newsweek” and read their Scope, Essays, Features, “The Critic” or any one whole page article because you will expand more of your resource knowing the important views of the world and you will feel you’re still part of the earth, the state, country or your city because you learned new words, new theory and added other new information in your mind.

Go shopping in some smaller stores to get a cart, use it as your cane to practice walking. I prefer to be alone because I don’t want to be with people who are getting bored, I know they would talk to me but I cannot because I am there to get the things I need. Sometimes I would go with my ex-fiancée playing basketball in some court and I would practice my walking around while they’re playing in the court. Why would I be scared? I have fear only with God because my Faith with Him is very strong. I don’t literally see God or Jesus Christ’s face because Faith is the evidence of something we do not see. It is better than being home waiting for a miracle that I know it would happen if I do something and might as well do something. I like the feeling when people see I have courage and I want to be different with the rest than feel sorry for myself. If I did not do anything, I will still be on the tools to help me get to places like two kinds of wheelchair-manual and power, walker, quad cane or a regular cane.

How would God help you if He knows, you’re not helping yourself? He is being fair to those who are trying to work hard. Don’t be in a hurry to do what you want in life because He will give you that when you’re ready. I can say this because I am God’s living proof of every fault, mistakes, choices and every right decision I took and you will see how they affected my entire life in my forthcoming book, “I AM THE LIVING PROOF- A Puzzle and Purpose of Life & Surviving”.

I wanted to know if my religion, Catholic is the true Christian and I’m wondering why majority of the people are Catholic or Roman Catholic. It is not my intension to annoy anyone for what I will say because of what I found out and all I will be stating are facts.
I also asked myself how come Catholics are not asking people to join our apostolic ministry. I did a research on religions and since I’m anxious to know more about Catholic and was first on the list. I clicked the link and it was a timeline of Centuries when Churches with their founder started it and at the same time I read the Catholic bible.

On the Gospel of St. Matthew, Jesus Christ told St. Peter “within this rock, I will build my church” and on Second Century it had a religion name of Roman Catholic. It is also a fact that St. (Simon) Peter was our first Pope. I also found out that Judas Iscariot, the traitor and betrayer left Jesus Christ’s apostolic ministry and made his own. Therefore, I conclude that the founder of every Church is a follower of Judas, the traitor and betrayer.
I will name some of religions starting from…

1517: Lutheran Church was founded by Martin Luther; he was the former priest of Roman Catholic Church.
1560: the Presbyterian begun by John Knox.
1608: Baptist church was launched by John Smith.
1744: The Methodist church was launched by John and Charles Westly.
1784: The Episcopalian began by Samuel Seabury,
1787: Salvation Army was founded by William Booth.
1822: Mormon was founded by Joseph Smith.
1872: Jehovah’s Witness founded by Charles Russell, and the Father’s name is Yahweh according from Catholic’s Word of God.
1879: Christian Scientist, started by Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy.
1913: Iglesia ni Kristo was founded by Bro. Felix Manalo, Phil.

I am very concerned for the Muslims because some of them are my friends. I researched Prophet Muhammad and found he cannot read or write and he was very poor. He was the one who started and converted people to Muslim. He took advantage of some power that was given to him as servant of God. I read the word “Universal” and he thought Universal is Muslim yet they exempted Jesus Christ as the Son of God. I guess he did not acknowledge knowing the Son of God, Jesus Christ because he was competing with Him, then Koran came out. I’m worried because in the Catholic bible, in John…
John 3:16
For God so love the world that he gave His only Son
So that everyone who believes in Him might not perish (depart this life or die, destroy their body in hell) but might (can) have eternal life.
For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn (destroy) but that the world might (can) be saved through Him (He already paid for our sins). Whoever believes in Him will not be condemned & whoever does not believed had already been condemned because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.

(Muslims, please save yourselves for what will come your way)
Everyone who believes in the Son of God will not be destroyed because they would follow His teachings in His religious office, apostolic ministry, Catholic or Roman Catholic Church.
I asked a Serra Cab taxi driver, Abrahim who’s a Muslim; about Prophet Muhammad, “did he have some power to heal people like Jesus Christ does?” He said “No”. I asked him who the first between Jesus Christ and Muhammad, he answered Jesus Christ, thank you. According to Muslims Jesus Christ is a Prophet. Okay, He is our everything; our Mediator to The Father and He is the Son of God

The Seventh Day Adventists, Church of Christ, Church of Nazareen and other various Pentecostal Churches etc. are also among the hundreds of new churches founded by men within the past 150 years or so.

In conclusion, those founders are all in the purgatory. I’ll let the Muslim and other-man made religion think. If it is your time to be judged by God, He told you where you would be, you cannot tell Him no one informed you because someone did and you did not believe. On second century, the sky opened up and the Father’s voice said to people. “Do not listen to men but listen only to Jesus Christ, the Messiah and the one I sent”.

I suggest every one that does not believe, to do your own research and I am encouraging people to not just believe without finding the truth yourself. I know you can do your own research and I believe you should. I am just concerned and don’t want you to be in the purgatory. Go to the nearest Catholic Church and ask for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults [R.C.I.A.] to learn more about the Fullness of the Truth.

12-07-2009 at 05:26:55 PM


Delusion \di lu zhen\ n: a deluded person; a persistent false psychotic belief.

12-07-2009 at 07:21:24 PM


wow, i've been out of the forums for awhile, but since i'm a disciple of dahlusion, i came to check this out, lol ...

dear heart, jacqueline51712 ... you have an incredible story, and i wish you the best of success with your book ...

i can hear the sincerity in your words, and for that i am grateful ... but i have a powerful visceral (negative) reaction to this kind of proselytizing ... and can NOT believe, amidst everything else, that you call out the Islamic faith specifically ...

i have two things i would like to share on this topic:
(1) the catholic church was responsible for centuries - CENTURIES - of inquisitions, not to mention the sideways "love" exhibited by many of the aging celibate men in a closed society ... and that organization has had more to do with power than with love, from the beginning. No amount of research will change these facts. While there have been individuals who have exemplified unparalleled selflessness, and been generous enough to do it in the name of the Church ... the Church itself ... is just an organization ... and prey to the temptations of the world. If you have found comfort there, i celebrate that. But to hold it up as the answer to all ... is rude and mistaken.

(2) jesus was not catholic, and in fact the catholic church has tried to hide, over the centuries, many texts that purport to record 2nd- or 3rd-hand knowledge of the man (as he did not, himself, actually leave any writings that we know of). however ... if there were some philosophy he seemed to boil everything down to ... i can almost guarantee it would not include damning the Muslims, wholesale, to Hell.

good luck with that philosophy.


12-08-2009 at 04:31:18 AM


'What is a Psycho? A Psycho is defined as a mentally disturbed person. A disturbed person because some parts of the body has limitation to be used maneuvering daily activities. I consider myself a Psycho because of my incapabilities to walk regular as other people do and inability to use my left arm due to a tragic car accident last October 11, 1999.'
Sweet, misguided Jaqueline. First, this psycho definition-you personally married yourself to, is inaccurate. No, angel, you are NOT a psycho by reasons of your physical limitations. You see Jaqueline, I study psychology-and spirituality and love Jesus Christ, very much. I was raised Catholic-in a private catholic school, and was promised to the Franciscan Convent, until I was 14yrs.old-at which time my brother and I, were abandoned by our mother. If that wouldn't have happened, I would be a nun today, and thankful for it.-but destiny had other plans..which may be a good thing, considering how much I enjoy intimacy-and spiritual growth.-ok, I only laid that out there so you know how neutral I am. Pyscho, by itself-really holds no definition-it is not a technical term, it's kind of like slang-it's short for pyschopathy-the word is invented from two dffrent words-'psyche' which means 'mind' and 'pathy'-a Greek word, meaning suffering and disease.So, it means disease of the mind-or suffering(to the point of taken ill) of the mind. In turn, sweetie,-pyschosis is born, or delusional-which may explain Dah's comment, to some extent. Ok, Jackie, let's look a physchosis for a moment; this term has been birthed since 1847! This is the definition- fundamental derangement of the mind (as in schizophrenia) characterized by defective or lost contact with reality, especially as evidenced by delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized speech and behavior.-Jackie, my son is serverly mentally ill- and suffers a very acute psychosis. Yes, my son is pyschopathic, however, he is medicated and supervised closely, and monitored under doctors' care. If my dearest, you have been termed, (by a notable physchiatrist only) as having this situation, it is not in refrence to your physical limitations, but maybe connected, from postpartum trama-or a predisposition. -or both. As far as I am concerned, at his moment, you are not 'psycho'- just confused.
Now, all of these challenges you have publically shared-yes, sweetheart, they are..just that-unfortunate challenges. Nonetheless-challenges can be met,and ovecome by 'WILL'.-and it does sound as though yours is so very strong, and beautiful. I too, at one time could no longer walk or write-or even remember my own bday or childrens ages-it took a year, and alot of will-but now I jog and retaught myself EVERYTHING. There are issues you cannot change about your circumstances-but, you CAN overcome how you handle them, and relearn how to adapt.
Now, I am a believer in the Holy Trinity. For me it goes beyond blind faith. However, I also KNOW that ..'judge not, lest ye be judged'. If your faith in God, is as solid as you proclaim, dearest-you must also believe that God is fully capable of handling that which is unjust. This, is not your mission, it is God's. When Mother Teresa, was qestioned about her compassion towards the many diffrent relgious outlooks-she humbly said..'we are all one in the eyes of God. No ONE more deserving then the next.' Your opinion is strong angel,-however, it remains, just that-your opinion.
My heart and friendship, is with you, always..as is, my love.-take care, and show those challenges of yours-whose boss! I know you can do it-I have FAITH in you.

Last edited by Madelynn 12-08-2009 at 08:51:49 PM

12-08-2009 at 11:49:52 AM


ah, Maddi, what a powerful personal story you've shared here, holy cats ... now THAT's worth a book ... and perfectly articulated, "God is fully capable of handling that which is unjust" ... ty for that compassionate share ... -dh

12-08-2009 at 12:01:04 PM

Re: Re: ~PSYCHO~

Originally Posted by dancinghawk

ah, Maddi, what a powerful personal story you've shared here, holy cats ... now THAT's worth a book ... and perfectly articulated, "God is fully capable of handling that which is unjust" ... ty for that compassionate share ... -dh

DancingHawk, smile, now you see why, I call her my Human-light, smile.... John E WordSlinger

12-08-2009 at 01:36:07 PM
  • CorinthiaSugar
  • CorinthiaSugar
  • Posts: 39



I just thought you may want to read this hun, please read-
Isaiah 43:18-19,
good things are sprouting from under your feet,
if you forget the things behind you.


12-29-2009 at 09:26:50 PM


Ms. Cynthia, hello is that from a Catholic bible?

01-23-2010 at 11:04:09 AM


Psycho holds the meaning of insane by my view. I have also researched many religians to satisfy my own curiosity and don't personally believe that any specific one can be determined as the true version here on earth, because only heaven knows that answer.

Certainly respect all that you have lived through, and your determination to constantly grow. Blessings to you!

In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.