So busy
Mucho Importante'
Gota be here
Need to be there
Who says so?
The tailor needs to finish a suit.
Taxi driver’s fare must be on time.
Businessman’s report to be presented.
Farmer’s crop picked lest fruit
rot on the vine.
So what makes you busy?
Your busy ,my leisure
Time is measured in minutes;
not dollars.
What’s a waste of time?
Every reflection in a mirror
can not reproduce itself.
My wasted time, your busy time.
So many mirrors.
Tic- tock ,tic-tock.
Re: Busy
time is the most valuable thing there is ... love your observations, as usual ... thx for posting!
The value of travel is that you see others cultures and get away from the endless pounding of information to conform to on societies ways -- if you read behind the the lines of everything we are being told is that we should work ourselves to death- why?
because the advertisers want us to have the money to afford all the things they are selling -and then when we get sick from working and unhealthy leisure activities like eating and watching COMMERCIAL TV - they are right there to sell us the drugs to make us --maybe get better--- did you ever hear a drug commercial say -if you lose 40 pounds - excercise and reduce stress - eat more fruits and vegtables you most likely will not need this medicine --of course not !
we are also not encouraged to save - we are encouraged to go out and buy and build and get new cars all the time --we are made to feel guilty when " housing starts " are low like somehow it's our fault that we cant' afford to go our and buy a new house in that field that used to be a nice apple orchard--
once i saw that all this was a form of propoganda that i had fell for for so long - i saw the light --- began to calm down --very little i need - if i dont need to much - i can save more - the more i save - the more time i can make for -health- travel- excercise - friendships- family-reading - writing --etc etc ---
so busy to me was a vicious circle that fed upon it elf and took me 3 years to break it in a controlled way .. thanks
If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.
Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.