Original Poetry Forums


08-30-2009 at 01:15:51 AM


What's up my poets round the world!?!!!

My name is Lindy and I just joined. I write poetry, usually from a philosophical lens. Lately it's been more emotionally driven, though. I've had schooling in English, both out of my own curiosity and in college.

Anyway, just stopping by to say hello. smile If you drop me a comment, I'll go back and read your poems. Do that little exchange dance...

Last edited by ElegantFaith 08-30-2009 at 01:16:15 AM

08-30-2009 at 01:23:41 AM

Re: Hello

Hello, Lindy. Well, I guess I will go and check out your home page and see what pleases me enough to leave a kind word or two...


08-30-2009 at 05:20:57 AM

Re: Hello

Hey, it's my poet Lindy! Lol!!

I left a comment on One Way Conversation - you should like.

Philosophy and emotions - those can sure get pretty entangled sometimes. Philo for the pondering sort of poetry, and, emo for the venting sort of poetry. If it's done right, combining them can make for a very engaging read.

Staria Driftaria
cool smile

08-30-2009 at 01:42:08 PM

Re: Hello

Hey guys,
thanks for the comments so far. I always enjoy poets that can dig down and have a deep discussion about the meaning of poetry. :D

08-30-2009 at 07:15:03 PM

Re: Hello

Hi, again. I looked at your poem, "What Reason?" I thought it was special. Thank you for making my day.


08-31-2009 at 12:00:48 AM

Re: Hello

Lindy, I hope you're not waiting for us to comment on everything, lol!

Personally, I would say that Alarm Clocks and Sundials is easily your best yet. That one took a classic and major perspective. I'll prob comment on that one in a day or two, remind me, lol!

And, no, I've no idea what Gogant's train of thought is, although I must admit, it's uniquely amusing.

Hey, don't forget to check out ours - guarantee you'll love Gogant's and my works! As a matter of fact, Lindy, here's a cursory rec. list of downright incredible poets to read here: dahlusion, Dragonfly, mlea, laydbak1, Tempy, jademelissa74, Madelynn, Artie, Hampton, AmadeusEx, and apologies for not mentioning some others - just cursory. Of course, follow our friends lists, and don't be afraid to shoot quick pms.

God bless,
Strift Dar
cool smile

Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.