Original Poetry Forums

A TRIBUTE TO JEANIEBLUE A Member Who is losing her fight with Cancer

08-20-2009 at 09:40:02 AM

A TRIBUTE TO JEANIEBLUE A Member Who is losing her fight with Cancer

Jeanie has been my friend, My Best Friend for almost 40 years now, She is a poet, Artist, photographer and a writer. A mother, a GRANDMOTHER,A sister and a daughter. A friend that can not be replaced, Yet we have no choice now,, God wants her home now, She has a few days left here, She smiles through the pain, And wishes she could stay, as do all that love her.
She wanted to write so much more here on this site, She has one great work on the site.
if you get a chance check it out and comment, her name here is jeanieblue Please include her in all your prayers, I will let all know when the final curtain call comes. I wrote a poem for her which I will put back on here. she is and was a very gentle soul and will be missed.
Rick (PHOENIX) downer downer downer downer downer

08-20-2009 at 08:00:34 PM

Re: A TRIBUTE TO JEANIEBLUE A Member Who is losing her fight with Cancer

Originally Posted by Phoenix9

Jeanie has been my friend, My Best Friend for almost 40 years now, She is a poet, Artist, photographer and a writer. A mother, a GRANDMOTHER,A sister and a daughter. A friend that can not be replaced, Yet we have no choice now,, God wants her home now, She has a few days left here, She smiles through the pain, And wishes she could stay, as do all that love her.
She wanted to write so much more here on this site, She has one great work on the site.
if you get a chance check it out and comment, her name here is jeanieblue Please include her in all your prayers, I will let all know when the final curtain call comes. I wrote a poem for her which I will put back on here. she is and was a very gentle soul and will be missed.
Rick (PHOENIX) downer downer downer downer downer


My thoughts and prayers are with you and her family. May the lord in heaven grant her peace and a smooth transition. Thank you for your kind heart and for sharing this with us. On my way to read her.

God bless you!

Erika Brown.

08-20-2009 at 09:53:06 PM

Re: A TRIBUTE TO JEANIEBLUE A Member Who is losing her fight with Cancer

Thank you Erika, I will pass it on to her,,she can use all the pray power she can get

08-20-2009 at 10:16:32 PM

Re: A TRIBUTE TO JEANIEBLUE A Member Who is losing her fight with Cancer

Fluttering silken wings upon a bleeding heart dove,
I strew lilacs and rose petals upon her brow,
To adorn her soul as she enters the meadow,
her earthly path has turned to walk beside His,
she will be loved, eternal


08-21-2009 at 08:11:56 AM

Re: A TRIBUTE TO JEANIEBLUE A Member Who is losing her fight with Cancer

thank you I love the poem i will tell her about it, Thanks

08-21-2009 at 08:56:55 AM

Re: A TRIBUTE TO JEANIEBLUE A Member Who is losing her fight with Cancer

I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure she was a good woman.

08-21-2009 at 10:35:14 AM

Re: A TRIBUTE TO JEANIEBLUE A Member Who is losing her fight with Cancer

These are her final days, thanks for the support and prayers, visit her site here. jeanieblue and comment on her poem and send love, Thanks Rick

08-21-2009 at 04:27:48 PM

Re: A TRIBUTE TO JEANIEBLUE A Member Who is losing her fight with Cancer

Greetings Phoenix9.

If you approve, please relay my verse, this prayer, to her:

The infinity of Heaven is home
The dream of life is only a light year
On Earth in tears we must for a time roam
Farewell, and know, you were truly loved here.

God bless,
Sacred Light,

08-21-2009 at 05:57:24 PM

Re: A TRIBUTE TO JEANIEBLUE A Member Who is losing her fight with Cancer

Thanks all for the thoughts and prayers, I talked to her today, she is weak and was told not to eat as she can not keep anything down. A high point for her was the swelling in her legs went down and she can walk a little but is very tiring for her, All who have written I will be copying and mailing to her your verses so she will have them hopefully by Monday. so if any others between now and noon on sat, post i will include and God willing she will be able to read them, Dah thanks also as you were also a friend on her profile, bless you...Rick (PHOENIX)

08-21-2009 at 06:11:37 PM

Re: A TRIBUTE TO JEANIEBLUE A Member Who is losing her fight with Cancer

this is the poem i wrote for my best friend on Jan. 23 of this year.
My Best Friend

She sits on a rock, Wind in her hair,
Eyes as blue as the sky, deep as the lake,
Majestic pines smell so sweet in the breeze,
The sand on the beach warms her feet,
Natures music soothes the soul,
She walks along the shore, Skipping stones,
Studies driftwood that comes ashore,
Wishing life could always be thus,
Without a thought, Without a care,
She watches the sunset, feels the light,
Watches the tide wash over her toes,
feels it tickle in it's gentle flow,
Sun has set, Skies aglow, Breeze is warm,
As night approaches, firefly's light her way,
Guide Her home from another day,
watching the moon through the trees,
Crickets serenade as moths play,
As she looks forward to another day.............

Richard (PHOENIX) Cartledge 1/23/ 09 (c)
she loved being outside, on a beach,surrounded by nature, with friends close,
No matter what the distance we always stayed in touch, always told each other ,I LOVE YOU, for over 45 years she has been my best friend, and I will miss her so much ohh long face hmmm

08-21-2009 at 06:51:42 PM

Re: A TRIBUTE TO JEANIEBLUE A Member Who is losing her fight with Cancer

she is a fighter and giving up is the hardest thing she has ever done

08-22-2009 at 12:12:11 AM

Re: A TRIBUTE TO JEANIEBLUE A Member Who is losing her fight with Cancer

To Jeanie,

Back on the land,
Across from the trees,
She begins to realize,
What healing means.

It means to forget,
and let the past flow,
Let go of the horrors,
Her soul had to go.

Taking her last strength,
She applies it to life,
Since is a valuable lesson,
To take in her flight.

Alone in the sunset,
Jeanie writes it all down,
Since she finally enjoys the
True peace she has found.

08-22-2009 at 09:46:13 AM

Re: A TRIBUTE TO JEANIEBLUE A Member Who is losing her fight with Cancer

thank you jadedmelissa, very touching, i will be sending this to her today, again thank you from my heart Rick

08-22-2009 at 11:30:17 AM

Re: A TRIBUTE TO JEANIEBLUE A Member Who is losing her fight with Cancer

downer downer downer downer downer downer downer downer downer

08-22-2009 at 04:23:23 PM

Re: A TRIBUTE TO JEANIEBLUE A Member Who is losing her fight with Cancer

Rick, you did receive mine, correct?

08-22-2009 at 05:37:17 PM

Re: A TRIBUTE TO JEANIEBLUE A Member Who is losing her fight with Cancer

Although I do not know her, I feel Jeanie is a noble woman. Smiling through her pain shows her graceful spirit and compassion for those dear to her. Jeanie, her family, you Phoenix, and all who know this beautiful woman are in my prayers. God bless you all.
Sincerely, Jen C

08-22-2009 at 07:50:23 PM

Re: A TRIBUTE TO JEANIEBLUE A Member Who is losing her fight with Cancer

yes stardrift i did and jen thank you also and god bless you too,,jeanie was feeling a little better today but had to cut the call short as she was having trouble holding the phone. thank you all for your support and prayers.

08-23-2009 at 04:56:28 PM

Re: A TRIBUTE TO JEANIEBLUE A Member Who is losing her fight with Cancer

Ok, cool.

My prayers are with her. If possible, have her get some good doses of sunlight!

God bless,
Drifting Star

08-24-2009 at 12:16:31 AM

Re: A TRIBUTE TO JEANIEBLUE A Member Who is losing her fight with Cancer

Father ...
You made the mountains rock
By day the Rivers wisk away their thought
To collect as nurishment to the deer
The bear, the moose, and mountain cat,
They know there is a God
They'll lay with him in the grass tonight
and are that secure - they never give
the day ahead another thought.

A faith unsung; these parishener in tune
with a God who who measures days
and doles out custom footsteps for
each to gladly walk.
To love unknowing, to bare their young
To course great mounds of questions they'll never ask
These are the renderings of his love
Etched by Grace and order from above.
As he paints the skies - bids the moon
they rise and shine by Glory
as all nature sings His tune.

Lord of Heaven, sparse loved in earth
Help your bidden offspring to consider
what you're worth.
Of circumstance or simply chance
It's in the outstretched palm the lines come through
and evoke the thought that we could love you too.

~ Neville Park

08-24-2009 at 10:52:01 AM

Re: Re: A TRIBUTE TO JEANIEBLUE A Member Who is losing her fight with Cancer

Originally Posted by Phoenix9

These are her final days, thanks for the support and prayers, visit her site here. jeanieblue and comment on her poem and send love, Thanks Rick

08-24-2009 at 11:03:53 AM

Re: A TRIBUTE TO JEANIEBLUE A Member Who is losing her fight with Cancer

my heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with all of you.though a hard road to travel i know the lord is waiting with his arms open wide.may she find the peace and comfort she so rightly deserves.and may you find strength in gods love and grace.nothing can relieve the pain and remorse but i pray you can find solace in his promise that we will all be together again in paradise. you will all be in my prayers,god bless you. nancee

08-24-2009 at 12:58:50 PM
  • dle1986
  • dle1986
  • Posts: 1

Re: A TRIBUTE TO JEANIEBLUE A Member Who is losing her fight with Cancer

I too will keep her in my prayers. I hope she is kept pain free and at peace with the world. From what I've read she is a wonderful woman and getting to go home soon to our Father in heaven. I will also pray that her loved ones that are left behind love and cherish the fond memories she has left them with. May God Bless JeanieBlue. A friend, Denise

08-24-2009 at 05:09:30 PM

Re: A TRIBUTE TO JEANIEBLUE A Member Who is losing her fight with Cancer

Hello again Rick! If you can, please continue to inform us of her latest status. Thanks.

To Jeanieblue, Rick, and everyone concerned - due to the amazing hearts and influences on this thread, I too decided to spend some more time and extend my single verse into a short poem. I feel very honored that I've known (of) Jeanieblue, however indirectly. With any luck, Bravemoon's initial compassionate idea will continue to chain react.

God willing, please make sure she receives it, Rick. Thanks.

Light bless,

08-25-2009 at 06:48:38 PM

Re: A TRIBUTE TO JEANIEBLUE A Member Who is losing her fight with Cancer

hi all, Jeanie is doing a little better, week but in better spirits, she might get to go home in a few days. anything to get out of the hospital. to be with her daughter. with the time left she is making the best of it, I do believe thatt all the prayers here have helped and I askk that all keep it up, with many thanks Rick

08-26-2009 at 01:21:18 PM

Re: A TRIBUTE TO JEANIEBLUE A Member Who is losing her fight with Cancer

Hey JEANIEBLUE, I just want to say that God is in control of everything, and He knows what is best even when we don't. I pray that you receive a miraculous healing, but nevertheless, let God's will be done. Sometimes I wonder how leaving this world would be. Most people cringe at the thought, but I see it as an opportunity to live the way God intended for us to live, being that we are saved and have a true relationship with God. We never know how much we appreciate a person and how much God used them to touch our hearts and lives unitl they are gone. You have fought a good fight and now it is time for you to go home. You did not loose the fight for the battle is the Lord's. Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Go on home to glory. We will miss you dearly. downer But the angels will be celebrating your return home, now that is something to look forward to. grin

Last edited by PhenixManuela 08-26-2009 at 01:22:53 PM

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)