Original Poetry Forums

Save FreestyleTaTa!!

03-10-2009 at 01:14:39 PM

Save FreestyleTaTa!!

I have just been informed that this site wants to ban "FreestyleTata" from this site for his content via the following message . . .

Dear Matthew,

Your poetry, and the pictures that you have incorporated with your poetry
have caused numerous complaints. We have over 100 complaints from
different people since your signup date of 12-31-2008. Weâ??ve personally
reviewed your poetry before and have tried to allow you the freedom to
express yourself, however we cannot allow the content of your poems and
pictures on this site at the expense of other members. Below you will
find excerpts from our Terms Of Service. If you would like to remain a
member of OriginalPoetry please make sure that all of your poems and
pictures are within strict accordance of those excerpts. Otherwise we
will have to terminate your membership. Thank you for time and
understanding. Please comply within 48 hours.

Thank You,

To my knowledge, these alleged "complainers" are nameless. I, for one, believe that his style, delivery, and concepts are worthy artistic expression. Not only do I enjoy them, I also do not find them offensive.

As a countermeasure, I have proposed and am posting this as a petition to keep "FreestyleTaTa" on this site so that we may all enjoy his artistic vision.

Should you feel so inclined, please leave a comment as a signature endorsing this post. The goal is to get at least 100 responses as an answer to the "100 complaints" that this user has recieved.

I appreciate your support,

03-10-2009 at 04:02:52 PM
  • freestyleTATA
  • freestyleTATA
  • Posts: 9

Re: Save FreestyleTaTa!!


Last edited by freestyleTATA 03-11-2009 at 04:45:27 PM

03-10-2009 at 04:08:42 PM

Re: Save FreestyleTaTa!!

Poetry is about expression in any shape or form. There have been so many censored great and wonderful poets throughout the ages and to ban someone for their poetry on this site would be the most anti-poetic thing i have seen in a long time....

03-10-2009 at 04:56:07 PM

Re: Save FreestyleTaTa!!

I'm probably one of the most straight laced newcomers you'll ever know. I rarely use expletives myself so when Freestyle first invited me to be his "friend" I didn't think we would see things on the same creative level. But, I took the time to read his work and there is no denying his talent. It's raw, it's deep, it's real. I guess that perhaps he tends to communicate on all levels in that way and it may get him into a fix, but his talent as a poet is authentic. Any expletives used in his poetry works. Communication is an art which takes on many different forms. In those forms there are variations, styles if you will. If Freestyle and I were to have a conversation face to face, he would laugh and ask me,"Do you really talk like that all the time?" (I've been asked that before). But I think he would listen to what I had to say if it was worth listening to without judging me as a snob,(which I'm not at all, I'm just proper in my way of speaking). So, everyone, get over yourselves a little, look at the content, not just the cover. Listen with you heart!! Peace.

Last edited by inspriter 03-10-2009 at 04:58:39 PM

03-10-2009 at 06:15:10 PM
  • epiksonik
  • epiksonik
  • Posts: 44

Re: Save FreestyleTaTa!!

If banned, I'll have to delete my account. Not that it matters in the long run, but it would be the right thing to do.

03-10-2009 at 06:52:10 PM

Re: Save FreestyleTaTa!!

SAVE FREESTLYE SAVE FREESTLYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IF HE LEAVES WE ALL LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cheese shock cool mad confused cheese

03-10-2009 at 10:01:42 PM

Re: Save FreestyleTaTa!!

I am very new to this web page, and so far I can tell FreestyleTaTa is what the world needs someone who can speak their mind, tell the raw trueth. Lies take up to much time and the trueth know matter how raw it is we as people can always learn from it so I say write on, don't be fake be you I stand with you not behind you.

03-11-2009 at 01:16:30 AM

Re: Save FreestyleTaTa!!

I feel freestyleTATA is giving his full attention to the situation at hand.
I petition that he be allowed to continue contributing to originalpoetry.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.

03-11-2009 at 06:26:20 AM
  • studly111
  • studly111
  • Posts: 46

Re: Save FreestyleTaTa!!

I am hereby officially declaring my support for Matthew (freestyleTATA). I have examined a representative sample of his verse and have perused his visual contributions, and cannot find grounds for which to expell him from this site. Were those complaints against his work lodged by 100 individuals, or by a few disgruntled individuals submitted multiple times? If the complaints are anonymous and the complainers themselves are nameless, then how would one be able to tell? So it is entirely possible that although there may be over 100 complaints, that there are in fact far fewer complainers! Let's have some details!!! To expell Matthew would seem to be rather censorial and dictatorial-bordering on fascist suppression of free speech. Is Rush Limbaugh on this web site (speaking of fascists...)? LOL zipper shock cool grin LOL

Last edited by studly111 03-11-2009 at 06:30:04 AM

03-11-2009 at 07:24:36 AM

Re: Save FreestyleTaTa!!

I must tell you that I have enjoyed Mathews Stlye.Isnt that what this site is about ? Creative writing we all think and use our words to bring what we feel to the surface.The world is changing we must change with it!!!!

03-11-2009 at 09:25:32 AM

Re: Save FreestyleTaTa!!

I think it's like changing channels on TV if you dont like FreestyleTaTa don't read it but don't take away our freedom of speech or Freestyle TaTa's either. diannerae

03-11-2009 at 10:10:58 AM
  • sk
  • sk
  • Posts: 64

Re: Save FreestyleTaTa!!

This whole complaint thing is just ridiculous; I thought we enjoyed the first amendment rights in this country! If whomever is doing the complaining would simply refrain from visiting Mathew's page, then they wouldn't be bothered, would they? Seems something more malicious is at work here....and if you delete his page and his writing, (which is very good by the way), what will you delete next? Where will your censorship end? I am not a fan of some of the pictures myself, but I've seen similar things on other poets sites...why spotlight Mathew?
As a person has the right to face their accusers in court, I believe the identity of the complainants should also be made public so that those of us that post our poetry can make up our own minds about those people's poems.
By the way, there is one so called poet on this site that has blasted Mathew several times, yet they themselves have contributed no poetry to this site at all...are you telling me you'd take that person's opinion over a contributing poets?
I too will delete my account if this site starts censoring the contributing poets.

03-11-2009 at 10:13:15 AM

Re: Save FreestyleTaTa!!

PPL are haters.... leave TATA be this is abouut expressing your own interpretations and works right? i didnt know there were limits...... shut eye

03-11-2009 at 12:22:58 PM

Re: Save FreestyleTaTa!!

Please read this response in it's entirety and carefully.

I'm the creator of OriginalPoetry.com. And I've thought long and hard about everything that everyone has had to say. And while we appreciate your comments and suggestions, I'm afraid that my response to you is if you don't like our rules... you can get the f*#@k out.

Allow me to elaborate.....

Our message to Freestyle was posted without the Terms of Service excerpts that we included in our original message to him. Those terms are available for view at the link at the bottom of every page. The ones I'm speaking of pertained to nudity, profanity, and graphic violence. Those terms were violated. Simple as that. Would you walk into a non smoking restaurant and begin to smoke? Would you drag your muddy shoes into a home where someone asked you to take them off? Would you walk into an AA meeting and crack a beer? No. I doubt it. So don't expect to come to my site and just ignore the site rules.

I don't make anything on this site. There is no advertising here. There are no membership fees. I built this site because my wife thought it would be a nice place for people to have. You think the hosting is free? You think Dell sends me servers for free? You think the hours and weeks and months I've sweated, and my friends have sweated for free on this site are worth nothing? No, this is simply a labor of love.

I'm tired of adjudicating silly fights and petty squabbles. I'm tired of people turning our chats into a place to insult and berate other poets and say disgusting and degrading things to women. I'm tired of all this bullshit.

NOW HOWEVER... because I also realize that people want a forum to express themselves in a manner that they see fit... I'm going to make a rather large site change. The addition of "Alternative Material Accounts". These accounts will have special permissions. These accounts can contain any material, even offensive, but can only be viewed by people that have selected in their account settings to view "Alternative Material Accounts".

For example.... if FreestyleTaTa was to friend someone that did not choose to view alternative accounts when they signed up, a page would appear that would say something like "You have chosen to view an Alternative Account, these profiles and poems may contain material that is profane, violent, sexual, or otherwise might be considered offensive in nature. To be able to view this Poet and their Poetry you must choose "view alternative accounts" in your site settings.

Something like that.... I have to think about it some more.

As for FreestyleTaTa. If the offending poetry is not taken off his account in 24 hours his account will be suspended until we are done coding and designing the new Alternative Account feature. His account will be reactivated under that new account designation at that time. Or he can choose to remove the offensive poems, and keep his account active, until we have the new Alternative Account feature and put them up at that time.

That's all.

Last edited by Originalpoetry 03-11-2009 at 12:47:17 PM

03-11-2009 at 12:38:49 PM

Re: Save FreestyleTaTa!!

SAVE FREESTLYE TATA!!!!AND THE FREEDOM OF INDIVIDUAL EXPRESSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! big surprise

Last edited by NyquanaLaura 03-11-2009 at 12:39:47 PM

03-11-2009 at 02:19:49 PM

Re: Save FreestyleTaTa!!

To Whom this may concern,
I have my Indentification Card/Voters Card,

And In High Regards to all,
I as well have explicit material as well,
to that, I'm afraid to publish here.

Your idea sounds great to me, maybe not the poet being an
Alternative Account, but the poems their selves, because not all material,
needs a warning sign.
That's why I have mine with a warning on my bio.
People trip to much, but thats why I like poles in spokes,
they're made to be broke.

tongue rolleye

03-11-2009 at 03:37:17 PM

Re: Save FreestyleTaTa!!

To ban a poet for expressing themselves
is to pay tribute to all of the dictatorships
that have come it power in this world.

At 26, in 1936, Frederico Lorca was
executed by the Spanish Fascists for being a poet.

His body was never found.

If you do not like someone's poetry,
then, maybe, you should not read their work,
and move on to another page.

Those who should be deleted are the foulmouthed
angry people who are constantly causing negative
waves of trouble on this peaceful, literary site.

I say ban the unhappy trouble makers
and leave the real poets alone.

Power To The Poets!!

The real blood of the literary world.

03-11-2009 at 04:19:01 PM

Re: Save FreestyleTaTa!!

Well . . . the powers that be have spoken!!! I'm satisfied with the compromise that the creator has come up with. Many site (DeviantArt being a prime example) have a system similar to this. I'm glad that the creator sees artistic expression as valuable.

Two things though . . . I've noticed that "Freestyle" and the Creator have something in common . . . they both censor the explatives in their text . . . is it ok for the one in charge to do this and not the contributor?

Second, I believe that it is the job of the creator to accomodate the artist . . . there are many poetry post sites on the Internet . . . I believe that the short-sightedness of the creator is not the artist's fault. While the demand to remove "objectional" content is understandable, a 24 hour period is not sufficent . . . if the additons to the site cannot be made in this same time frame . . .

Last, but not least . . . telliing your subscribers to "get the fuck out" is not very nice, professional, or consistant with the image of this site . . . in the future, I would choose better language . . . I mean, not for nothing, but this is a creative writing site, and the owner of this site should consider being more creative with his or her thoughts . . .

That's my story and I'm stickin to it,
Raj/Sidecar cool hmm

P.S. Thanks to all who supported this cause!!!! This is proof positive that the keyboard is indeed mightier than the sword!!! You have mine and Freestyle's utmost gratitude![/[/i]b]

03-11-2009 at 07:07:31 PM

Re: Save FreestyleTaTa!!

freestyleTATA should not be banned for expressing himself as a poet or artist...

His artwork is interesting, and his poetry is in your face... Since when is it a crime to incorporate colorful language into poetry?

The only 'crime' here, are the faceless individuals who reported his poetry as suspect...

If someone finds his work so offensive,then move on to another poem... How hard is it to lift a finger,move that mouse,click a link or button, at the top of the web page?

This is blatant censorship,which I as a poet and artist, find highly offensive...

I don't care to read religious, born again poetry... So, should we ban all the Christians, with their holier than thou attitudes and writings/preachings??

Should we censor all those people who write dark poetry, or the teenagers who write about cutting themselves, in poetic form?

I'm a gay man, who writes from my own perspective...My perspective may not be yours, but that is alright... Everyone writes differently,has different styles,etc...

So, if I write a pro gay poem, is there going to be a witch hunt for me too, by supposed 'offended' people,who are gutless to come out in the open,and discuss their issues?

I write for 'me'... freestyleTATA writes and expresses himself in his own way...

What is the point of this web site???

Leave freestyleTATA here!!!!!

03-11-2009 at 08:02:34 PM

Re: Save FreestyleTaTa!!

Originalpoetry - I think your compromise is a good one. As owner of the site you have the right to set the rules. I think those who say you owe ___ (whatever) have no idea of the problems, expense, time etc. that you are donating. You set the rules, he violated them period. You were not stopping TATA from publishing, only from not doing it on your $. My first reaction was he has a right to publish his work and those who don't like it should just not read it. But he has no right to go into a church and scream curse words nor to do so on your site. Congratulations on being open minded enough to make this compromise.

03-11-2009 at 08:17:43 PM
  • freestyleTATA
  • freestyleTATA
  • Posts: 9

Re: Save FreestyleTaTa!!

oh ....... this is a church? zipper U need to go through everybodies stuff and censor them 2 then.
i find that there is alot of offensive material on this site, how is mine any different?

Last edited by freestyleTATA 03-11-2009 at 08:20:45 PM

03-11-2009 at 09:41:52 PM

Re: Save FreestyleTaTa!!

FreestyleTATA - Don't misunderstand me. I want you to have your work read. I want you to be able to express yourself. Poetry should be each of us expressing ourselves in our own way and in our own words. But!! If someone builds a house and says I want you to have a place to speak but I am going to set certain rules, then I think we should follow his rules. Yes, I have seen stuff much more in violation than yours. I agree Originalpoetry has been lax in enforcing his rules. Why, I don't know. I was just trying to thank him for being open enough to change things so that poets like you can have an outlet. The church analogy was probably a poor choice (which is why I am not a good poet) , but the point was to thank him for changing.

03-11-2009 at 10:55:04 PM
  • freestyleTATA
  • freestyleTATA
  • Posts: 9

Re: Save FreestyleTaTa!!

Very contradicting my freind rolleyes But we cool

Last edited by freestyleTATA 03-11-2009 at 10:55:52 PM

03-11-2009 at 11:47:41 PM

Re: Save FreestyleTaTa!!

I fully support expression and hate oppresion, my elaborations may tilt on an ediface of deep depravity, in a wordy kinda way, TaTa states, elates, and relates a not dissimilar fate than that of tidy tongue...it was best stated earlier...raw...and that's ok by me.

but whatever decision is made, is not mine to make, and i will sit back and partake all the fireworks...and maybe write something about it

03-12-2009 at 02:45:42 AM

Re: Save FreestyleTaTa!!

I don't have a lot of time. So I'm going to be brief. I work long hours at my day job. I have a collicky baby. I've been working on this site all night. I think it's like 2am. I'm tired and I'm not poetic. If you don't like what I have to say, there is not a lot I can do. I'm trying to make my points, not offend anyone. But hey.. you can't please everyone.

To the guy that compared me to Fidel Castro, Saddam Hussein, Po Pot, and all the oppressive dictators ... this is not the same. Me responding to numerous complaints on my site and trying to reach middle ground is just not the same as oppressive regimes, blood diamonds, the Khmer Rouge, pogroms.. etc. We're not just talking magnitudes of injustice different.. but right out of the ball park.

To the guy that called me Rush Limbaugh... just plain dirty.

To the woman that requested the identities of the complainants? First off, I'm obviously not going to compromise anyone's identity. Secondly.. why would I possibly make that up? You really think I manufactured this? I have in-laws and a brother in law with a drug habit when I want to experience drama. I need this issue like I need diarrhea or a hangover. It's taxing enough just to keep up with the constructive feedback I get that helps me develop new features on the site let alone the negative stuff with people complaining and leaving the site.

To the numerous people that keep mentioning "free speech" (and I'm not even going to go into the difference between a Civil Liberty of the United States and the Terms of Service on some infinitesimal, privately created poetry site) .. .... no sh*t. That's why I let go the first 99 people that complained. Pardon me for responding to their needs. They have rights too... remember? Like the right to have their children enjoy the site. People seem to forget about rights when it pertains to the other side.

To the guy that that said I should be more creative.... WTF? Dude.. seriously... do you realize what goes into building this thing from scratch? The technical, logical, arithmetical, logistical, artistic, etc.. creative effort expressed here? You have poetry.. I have this site.

To the guy that suggested I would ban material because the authors are gay.. Nobody at this site gives a tiny flying booger about what someone's sexuality is. I don't give a damn about someone's color, I don't care what your religion is. I don't care if you voted for Obama. Or McCain. Or if you have a hair lip. I don't care if you're fat, thin, square, round, or what music you like. Don't care if you prefer Pepsi. Or Coke. Big Macs. Or Whoppers. And I especially do not care if you write about it. And if people complain about poetry about a gay lifestyle.. I'll tell them exactly what I tell the people that complain about the Muslim poetry.. "Not my problem. Clearly your problem. Go find some hate site that gives a sh*t." However.. if I get a zillion complaints because there are expletives and vulgarities in your poems and they are not categorized properly as "Alternative Material" in the future system I am coding.. BAM.. GONE. No questions asked. Call it censorship, call it what you will... gone.

To the guy that started with "hehehe so kwel da dis n da hype for wut"... honestly.. I just have no Idea what the hell you are saying.

To Aggieprof... I just want to say thank you. I appreciate what you said and what you meant. And I have a Shep. Best fricking dogs in the world. Sorry about your loss. 52 years. That's beautiful man.

To Freestyle.. and everyone else... this isn't a movement. This isn't even a big deal. I'm going to do what I'm going to do. Like I said before.. you like it.. stay.. you don't... bye. That's your choice. I'm not threatened by you leaving. It bothers me yeah, but things happen. It only bothers me because I feel like I failed providing a good site. But.. With any progress there can be collateral damage. In fact.. after thinking about it.. I am kinda happy this whole issue came up because it was the genesis for a radical improvement to the site (the Alternative Account system), and I welcome innovation and improvement. Whether you realize it or not my intent is to make this site as enjoyable for everyone here as possible. And that includes the people that do not verbalize in this forum, the complainers, the people that do verbalize here, everyone. I just want to make a really good site.

I'm exhausted. My wife is giving me a look like if I don't take my wailing brat for a few then she is going to kill me. And my wailing brat is giving me a look like if I don’t take her she’s going to kill me, and my wife. But the wailing brat is seriously cute. They both are. So I have to go. Goodnight.

Last edited by Originalpoetry 03-12-2009 at 04:30:27 AM

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.