Contest Frequently Asked Questions

Poetry Contest Frequently Asked Questions

What's the prize for winning the weekly poetry contest?

By winning the weekly poetry contest, you also win one of the 52 open spots (one spot for each week of the year) in a poetry book that we are going to have published. Once all of the spots for the book have been filled, the book will be published. Any profit made from the sale of the poetry books with be split between all of the poets published in the book and Original Poetry. Fifty percent (50%) of the profit will go to and the other fifty percent (50%) will be split among the published poets.

If you have any further questions regarding the poetry contest, please contact us at:

How exactly does the weekly poetry contest work?

Poems will be posted for rating and review the first day of the week following their entry, so that the person that submits their poem at the end of the week has the same chances of winning as the person that submits their poem at the start of the week. The entries will be displayed to the other registered poets and readers, and they will then have the opportunity to judge those poems and rate them in our system. The rating system is a standard Gross Count Mean Number system, and will tell us which poems were considered to be favorites of the readers.

At the end of the poetry contest a winner will be selected among the poems with the highest rating.

When my poem expires from the weekly contest, what happens to it?

Nothing happens to it at all. Your poem is simply not in the poetry contest anymore, it does not get deleted, discarded or thrown away. Your poem is still available for you to edit, link to on other websites or even re-submit to the current poetry contest. Remember, a list of all your poems can always be found on the "My Poems" tab in your "My Profile" area.

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.